Hypnotize Yourself For Success - Self Hypnosis

By Ralph B. Allen

Does the practice of self hypnosis open you to demonic obsession or possession? Is it a substitute for prayer and the work of the Holy Spirit? Is there any value in it for religious people?Many religious people are misinformed about self hypnosis. Here's an example. A devout Christian friend of mine said she didn't need hypnosis because she had prayer and the Holy Spirit to solve her problems. She thought because I was a clinical hypnotherapist I would now be substituting hypnosis for prayer - or even denying the power of the Divine. She disapproved of it so much, she tossed it off and compared it to Ouija board use! She just thought self hypnosis and God could not coexist.

By using self-hypnosis, we can alleviate chronic pain from different medical conditions. Self-hypnosis can be used in chronic pain in cancer patients. The proposed mechanism is that the natural pain killers in our body such as endorphins are released from our brain when we do self-hypnosis.

Self-Hypnosis may be used to Quit Smoking To quit smoking is the most difficult among all vices. It is much easier to stop drinking alcohol than to quit smoking. This is due to the hundred of addictive chemicals in tobacco that causes withdrawal syndromes whenever a smoker starts quitting. Self-hypnosis will reprogram the mind and through continuous sessions will eventually make a smoker quit easier.Self-hypnosis may be used to Lose Weight.With obesity reaching the epidemic state in US and in the future the whole world, the danger of its complications to one's health is very alarming. By using self-hypnosis, the cravings for fatty and sweet foods will be lessened. It will also accelerate the will to do exercise and other physical activities. The same mechanism of targeting release of neurochemicals from the brain is the accepted mechanism.

Do God and Self Hypnosis Mix? As a man with a strong faith and connection with the Divine, I can tell you self hypnosis and God can coexist. Many of my feelings about my morality-based habits and challenges have been improved by using hypnosis-related techniques.You've heard the expression "God helps those who help themselves." Since hypnosis is used as a tool for change by millions, hasn't God provided it so we could reach for and then maintain our goals? For more than five decades modern hypnosis has helped psychiatrists cure the mentally ill, medical doctors alleviate pain and the rest of us reduce our stresses and overcome bad habits.

So, When Does Hypnosis Need the Help of Spirit? There are times when no amount of hypnosis can surmount some problems. That's when I turn to spiritual practices like prayer. And what a powerful combination prayer and hypnosis can make!Both have a lot in common. When we pray deeply and earnestly we enter into an altered state of consciousness identical to certain levels of trance with self hypnosis. But here's the difference: with prayer we hope to open up the line of communication with the Divine and invoke assistance -- whether for ourselves or for others.

Now imagine there is a winding staircase in front of you with 10 steps. Walk down the staircase while breathing deeply. By this stage you are in a state of trance and your self hypnosis is well underway.While in this state of self hypnosis you are going to program your subconscious mind. Bring to mind the mental picture you created earlier. See it in all its detail with you in it. Now run the image like a movie and see yourself interacting in that scene. Once you begin to feel positive emotions step into the movie. Walk right into the imagined you and take over their role. How does that feel to be living that image?Allow yourself to stay in the mental movie for as long as it feel s comfortable. Once you are ready to leave the state of self hypnosis simply count up from one to ten. Start to become aware of the room around you and any sounds that may be apparent. Then open your eyes. Your self hypnosis is complete.Ensure you take the time each time to perform your self hypnosis. Do this for a month and you are guaranteed to manifest your mental picture!

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