Death And Using A Rabbi Funeral

By Betty Murray

Losing someone close to you is a really hard life adjustment and one will want to ensuring that all is done to see that the deceased is buried correctly. This is especially so if the person is Jewish and when this is so, a Rabbi funeral should be consulted to help in areas that one just does not know about. Their are legalities, customs and correct procedures to follow with a burial of this type.

Firstly, after death the body must be watched by a Shomer or guard until time of burial. This is to give the soul of the departed knowledge in knowing that no harm will come to the physical before it is laid to rest. It is also a time to say Tehillim or Psalms read out of the Book of Psalms.

This is a customary practice that has been handed down through the centuries and is still practiced today. The body is washed too and prepared in such a way which is stipulated by Jewish Law. A pine coffin is used instead of expensive fancy coffins and sense of modesty is established in doing so.

The family is allowed the opportunity to sit with the coffin and to say prayers prior to burial. Once guests, friends and acquaintances arrive it is time for the ceremony to get started. It is a sad time for all and sometimes it is customary for a family member to say a few words before escorting the coffin to the gravesite.

After a few words are spoken by the Rabbi, pallbearers are called upon to accompany the coffin to the gravesite. This honor is granted to close friends and family as they are called out as the procession proceeds to the gravesite. This is an honor and a sad emotional part of the journey to the burial site.

There are also exact specifications as to how the grave should be dug. These are requirements within Jewish law and are carried out to the letter. Once lowered into the grave it is covered as quickly as possible so as not to delay. More prayers are said until ultimately the sons or fathers say a prayer called Kaddish.

Losing someone in life is not an easy thing and something that will remain with the mourner for the rest of their lives. It is important that the deceased be laid to rest in a dignified way according to these laws and customs. Services such as these can be searched for on the Internet but one's best bet is to find someone within the community to help.

All in all it is a sad time and a time of reflection not only for those left behind but also for those whose paths crossed with the person that died. It is a time to remember them for the good they did in this life as well as to celebrate those times that were spent together in both sadness and happiness. It is best to start one's search on the Internet to garner more information as to what makes up this sort of duty.

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