What To Discuss In Talk Show About Humanitarian Efforts

By Richard Kelly

Humanitarian aid is a good example of how most people in the world are compassionate to others who are undergoing different disasters. Even so, there are quite a lot that needs to be improved in this owing to the increased number of people who need this kind of support. Below are important topics in talk show about humanitarian efforts that one should consider.

Investment in disaster preparedness. In most cases, efforts to help people in disasters is focused after the disaster has happened. The respective aid program can use fewer finances when they tend to make necessary measures to prevent this kind of disasters. This includes countering terrorism, building strong buildings which can withstand hurricanes and earthquakes, starting farming programs for drought-stricken areas among other projects.

Have an excellent weather forecasting plan. Poor weather forecasting is one of the reasons behind devastating loss during a disaster. In that case, programs which are based on places which are prone to weather-related adversaries should support the local meteorological department to establish modern forecasting processes. Early warnings about disasters enable the citizens to evacuate from their homes and save important goods which might get affected.

Use the local community to support their programs. Self- sustainability should be the main focus of a humanitarian program. This process work through the use of local supports and community-based organizations as well. Corporate working within the prone countries are supposed to come up with projects which help the community curb disasters as part of their community social responsibility.

Improvement on a legal framework based on humanitarian aid. Most countries which are hit with adversaries have strict rules against foreign interference with their local affairs. This leaves them struggling with their tragedies which lead to a massive loss of lives. Therefore, benevolent programs should make an effort to ensure that these restrictions are lifted to give more programs chance to bring their aid to make this process effective.

Consider the use of technology to raise the alarm over adversaries. Humanitarian aid groups should utilize mobile phones to create awareness over any kind of disaster about to happen. Mobile phones have become common with almost everyone hence are the best means to reach out to people about to have a disaster attack.

Tracking of donations. This is one of the largest problem facing humanitarian help. There are a lot of cartels in disaster places which leaves funds in the pocket of individuals. This should be improved by having the aid programs directly involved in their projects other than engaging other home-based organizations. This will ensure accountability since the same organization is responsible for mobilizing for the funds.

Using people in refugee camps to improve their livelihood. Traditionally, tragedy aid program uses their workforce to help people in distress. However, these organizations can end up sparing a good amount of their funds when they use refugees in their development projects. This will ensure transfer of skills to the disaster-stricken people who will eventually become self-sustainable in future. Besides that, this will also reduce misuse of the respective funds as well.

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