First things first, they ll be a lot of stretching so be prepared to listen to your body make funny sounds that you ve never heard before. But before the first pose can be assumed a few things need to be done. Research. It is key for any form of success in yoga. Research any and all yoga studios and see which one is best suited to accommodate your stroke recovery therapy. It s also important to make note that research of poses and what they are called is essential in order to avoid confusion.
Most, if not all yoga instructors will tell everyone in class to leave their egos at the front entrance, because being self conscious or worrying about what other people are doing will detract from the purpose of going. Bring comfortable clothing, fabric that can stretch is best because it means that your still relatively comfortable even when your in an awkward position.
Being comfortable also extends to the equipment required to engage in a yoga class. Classes are done barefoot, no socks, but an exception can be made depending on the weather. A yoga mat can also be used but a helpful and useful tip would be to refrain from stepping on anybody else s yoga mat as some of the members in your class might view their mat as an extension of themselves or an invasion of their personal space.
Know the limits of your body. Even if you re a beginner joining a yoga class, be mindful of the limits of your body by knowing the difference between pain and discomfort. Pain is usually associated with hot and sharp sensation(s) while discomfort is more of a dragged out sensation that seems unending. However, a good rule of thumb to remember is that no one knows your body better than yourself. So if something feels like it s not right, chances are it is and time for change.
Get to class early, this will do wonders. If a class is at 10:00 get there at 09:45 and if you re running late, get there at 09:50. Arriving early means that setting up shop for class is way easier, especially for beginners who often end up at the back of the room. And to avoid being bogged down by paperwork, missing crucial moments reserved for stretching at the beginning of a class and end up being noisy and disruptive when settling in afterwards.
Make it clear from the beginning how comfortable you are with touch as the instructure may touch you to adjust you from time to time. Some poses offer more personal space than others so if you feel uncomfortable, speak up but be polite. A helpful tip to keep in mind is not to feel discouraged when paid special attention, it s not because you re doing something wrong but rather, you re being helped to make something easier.
Chanting is commonplace in a yoga class and if it makes you feel uncomfortable or you not yet ready to chant, feel free not to do it. Yoga is about relaxation not pressurisation.
Yoga has some great benefits and who wouldn t want to feel more flexible but some research is necessary before laying down a mat and chanting a mantra. Be Comfortable and ask for help if anything seems unfamiliar or difficult.
Most, if not all yoga instructors will tell everyone in class to leave their egos at the front entrance, because being self conscious or worrying about what other people are doing will detract from the purpose of going. Bring comfortable clothing, fabric that can stretch is best because it means that your still relatively comfortable even when your in an awkward position.
Being comfortable also extends to the equipment required to engage in a yoga class. Classes are done barefoot, no socks, but an exception can be made depending on the weather. A yoga mat can also be used but a helpful and useful tip would be to refrain from stepping on anybody else s yoga mat as some of the members in your class might view their mat as an extension of themselves or an invasion of their personal space.
Know the limits of your body. Even if you re a beginner joining a yoga class, be mindful of the limits of your body by knowing the difference between pain and discomfort. Pain is usually associated with hot and sharp sensation(s) while discomfort is more of a dragged out sensation that seems unending. However, a good rule of thumb to remember is that no one knows your body better than yourself. So if something feels like it s not right, chances are it is and time for change.
Get to class early, this will do wonders. If a class is at 10:00 get there at 09:45 and if you re running late, get there at 09:50. Arriving early means that setting up shop for class is way easier, especially for beginners who often end up at the back of the room. And to avoid being bogged down by paperwork, missing crucial moments reserved for stretching at the beginning of a class and end up being noisy and disruptive when settling in afterwards.
Make it clear from the beginning how comfortable you are with touch as the instructure may touch you to adjust you from time to time. Some poses offer more personal space than others so if you feel uncomfortable, speak up but be polite. A helpful tip to keep in mind is not to feel discouraged when paid special attention, it s not because you re doing something wrong but rather, you re being helped to make something easier.
Chanting is commonplace in a yoga class and if it makes you feel uncomfortable or you not yet ready to chant, feel free not to do it. Yoga is about relaxation not pressurisation.
Yoga has some great benefits and who wouldn t want to feel more flexible but some research is necessary before laying down a mat and chanting a mantra. Be Comfortable and ask for help if anything seems unfamiliar or difficult.
About the Author:
You can find an overview of the benefits you get when you use stroke recovery therapy services at right now.
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