Qualities Of A Christian Church Clayton NC

By Charles Patterson

The people that comprise and occupy the temple are the ones who bear and carry its name. So, a temple is made to have God-ordained characteristics that will present it as a holy dwelling place for the Holy Spirit. There are therefore guidelines that a temple should follow and uphold to yield such characteristics. The below article, represents the features that a Christian church Clayton NC should have.

The Bible. The bible is viewed as a holy book by Christians. Every member of the temple is required to have it since it is used to provide life guidance to the worshippers. All worshippers are entitled to follow what it says and abide by the rules and laws it has set down. It is also used in times of temptations as a guideline on how to overcome the temptations.

Worship and praise. For a temple to be called so, they must have true worship and praise. Worship and praise that comes from the heart will please God. Sincere worship is what a temple should offer to the creator. They are expected to be repentant and clean in the heart to deliver heartfelt praise and worship. A Christian should have the desire and passion for serving God by offering to him worship and praises which are pure and sincere.

The discipleship program. Jesus instructed his followers to make men His disciples. These are not only followers but those who are willing to carry their cross and follow Jesus. This was done through evangelism, which is spread of the gospel. The churches of today are supposed to make men followers of Christ just like the past disciples of Jesus.

Love for other people. Every congregant is commanded to have the love for other people just as they love themselves. The art of sharing can show this. They share what they have with others especially the needy in the society. Love is also shown by visiting the sick and praying for them to be well. The art of loving others is universal and cannot be expressed adequately. Love is what is inside the heart of a person.

Tithes and offerings. All Christians are required to offer a portion of their property especially a fraction of a tenth of their seasonal harvest to God. Every Sabbath day, one is required to give a tithe at the temple which acts as a form of worship and thanksgiving. This defines a Christian. These are used to do the work of God especially building the temple and helping the less fortunate in the community. Service to humanity is service to God.

The Sabbath day. This is a day in every week that Christians are supposed to gather in the temple to worship. It is a commandment that Christ followers obey and keep the Sabbath holy. They do this by refraining from work and committing themselves to doing the work of Christ. Such works include preaching the gospel.

Praying is also a requirement for Christians. Prayers are a channel through which a Christian communicates with God. Through this, they present their needs to Him, ask for the forgiveness of sin and for others too. Christians pray through Jesus Christ to God.

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