A Good Community Oriented Church San Antonio TX Follows The Bible

By Kevin Hayes

A human being has three elements. They are the body, the mind, and the spirit. The body makes it possible for a human being to carry out the daily humanly activities. The body requires food and water so that it can be able to survive. Man can live for only a few weeks without food and only a few days without water. The spirit is more important than the body. When the spirit leaves the body, a person will automatically die. The spirit also requires nourished. People usually visit a community oriented church San Antonio TX so that to be nourished spiritually.

Food is pleasing to all the human senses. It smells nice and looks good to the eyes. When it lands on the tongue, it is a real pleasure. However, a few hours after eating, one will feel hungry. However, there is a food that totally conquers hunger and lives one forever filled. It is found in the Bible.

A community oriented church feeds a spiritually hungry flock with the messages of the Bible. After the service, the flock will fill very spiritually nourished. They will leave the service better than they came in because of the power of Biblical messages. It is always good to attend service with a good Bible so that to follow issues easily.

During the service of a community oriented church, the message of the day will come directly from Scripture. The pastor will take some minutes to read a number of Bible verses. He will then explain them in the best manner possible. A sermon can last for more than one hour. A good pastor will not make people to be bored. He will be interesting.

The congregation in question will also observe Christian festivals core of which is Easter. Long before Easter, Christians should take some time to fast in preparation for one of the most important days in the Christian calendar. Christmas day is also vital. It is a day of great hope. There will also be the adherence to the various Biblical principles.

Baptism is an important ritual in the life of a Christian. One will become a member of a community church after he has undergone baptism. This will involve total immersion into water. Baptism can take place in a swimming pool. It can even happen in a river. The water will need to be blessed before the whole affair.

Baptism involves the forgiveness of sins. It marks the start of a new life. To be able to be forgiveness, one has to ask for forgiveness. That is the act of repentance. Every human being on earth is a sinner. That is due to the frail nature of human beings. Christians should take advantage of the dispensation of grace to repent and lead holy lives.

The life of a true Christian revolves around Scripture. As a matter of fact, he reads his Bible every day. Christians should read scripture and pray every day so that they do not fall into temptation. Scripture has many books. The first one is Genesis. This book documents the creation of the earth. The last book is Revelation.

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