Choosing Appropriate Couples Empowerment Therapy

By Robert Young

If love were enough, there would be no divorce or break ups. Everyone would stay together forever. Fairy tales would be real. But, that is not the case. The reality is that for a relationship to work for a long time, both parties must work hard at it. They must work hard at ensuring the happiness of the other. Part of that endeavor could involve couples empowerment therapy. This treatment is meant to help the parties learn how to interact and live in a way that enhances self-worth and personal power. It equips the parties with the capability to help each other and their own selves.

The first thing step to having a successful relationship is for each partner to feel secure and in charge of his or her own self. Each of them has to love, respect and value their own self before they can go and do that towards someone else. A professional will ask that each partner to look deep within his or her self for insecurities that could later come to ruin the relationship. Deal with individual issues first before tackling the relationship.

For that reason, the partners may be asked to have some single sessions. Of course, the first one will involve both partners and a few others in the course of treatment. The professional will ask to see each partner separately if he or she feels like there are some deep-rooted personal issues threatening the health of the relationship.

It is important to understand and appreciate difference and diversity. Like poles do not attract. One will usually be attracted to another person because they are drawn to their different views. It would be unfair to prosecute the partner for the same different views later. Appreciate them and respect them. The professional will help the partners develop an ability to provide a safe space to express all the different opinions without judgment or prosecution.

Power struggles are very common in relationships. They are brought on by the neurological fight or flight response. This is when a person feels threatened and therefore tries to either struggle to gain footing or run from the problem. Neither is healthy in a relationship setting. Two people in a union must understand this. They must learn how to ensure the other always feels safe and powerful.

During an argument, one can choose to be hurtful or they can take a deep breath and respond with respect. A partner can choose to make a decision without considering what it will do to the other or they can involve the partner in the decision-making. The point is to choose each other every day. For each partner to choose the other every day.

Learning these skills will determine how well the union survives against societal pressures and adverse factors. The relationship may be a bubble but bubbles eventually burst. These skills will ensure that the two parties stay glued together despite any breach of the membrane.

Do due diligence and get the best possible professional. Do not go for a quack who charges next to nothing just to keep the peace. This could do more harm than good. Once the treatment starts, trust the professional. Trust that this person who has been meticulously examined will perform their duty well and effectively.

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