Sacred Tips That You Get From Christian Books On Spiritual Warfare

By Olivia Cross

Most Christians have the common belief that every day is a challenge and they are always at war with the devil. People want to be on the side of God, as they believe that he will protect and guard them from all that is evil. In real sense Christians believe that such a war can only be won with help from God. This is the reason why you will find most Christians reading Christian books on spiritual warfare.

To understand these concepts, one must find these reading materials and go through them. The information that can be found in these materials is phenomenal and you stand to gain quite a lot from reading these reading materials. To win the battle you must first learn about the different weapons that are advocated for in these reading materials.

One of the weapons of the sacred battle according to the reading materials is the word of God. This requires you to read the scripture with great understanding and revelation. The bible helps you to overcome all types of temptations and maintain purity in your holy journey. The devil fears the word of God because of the power it hold in it and the great influence it has in the lives of most people across the globe.

The blood of Christ is another thing that is considered to be a super powerful weapon to fight off the devil. This blood of Christ is able to cleanse people from sin and help then to realize their importance to God. At a simple mention of the blood of Christ you can be sure that the enemy will have scattered away in fear. This is the blood that was spilled on the cross for the forgiveness of all mankind.

Another powerful weapon that helps winning the sacred battle is testifying about the power of God and the great things that he can do for you. These materials will teach you about the importance of having a strong testimony. The devil cannot tempt a person who believes and follows the teachings of God. He will be afraid of attacking you because he knows that you are righteous.

You will also learn that prayer is a great weapon that will make you win most of your battles in life. The devil fears prayerful people because of their constant communication with God. Prayers are the best communication channels with your God and the devil knows this. This is why; you find the devil can try all he can to stop you from praying because he knows that the moment you stop praying, you are done.

The name Jesus is also a very powerful weapon. For whatever you do in his name he will protect and guide you. Whenever you face any evil spirit and mention his name you can be sure that he will protect and guard you. This is something that you should be will to accept since Jesus is the son of God.

If you want to truly fend off evil then you must accept Christ in your heart and confess to him all your sin so as to seek his forgiveness. Once you have done this you will have to trust and have faith that Jesus Christ will never forsake you.

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