Top Selling Non-Fiction FBI Books

By Dominique Martin

A-G Mans Journal is a collection of real life experiences as narrated by Oliver Revell. It hit the market in 1998 adding to the rich collection of non-fictional FBI books in the market. Oliver has worked as an investigator and supervisors in some of the most prominent cases in history including the Iran hostage crisis, JFK assassination, Watergate and Ku Klux Klan. He engages Edgar Hoover in a personal conversation that is very interesting to read.

The Guide to Identifying Terrorists Through Body Language is a combination of academic deductions and real life experiences by Lillian, Phd and Vincent. Vincent, an agent, has allowed Lillian to study his cases to explain the behavioral language of terrorists. It is very resourceful for agents and individuals charged with protecting civilians in all corners of the world.

ABCs of Behavioral Forensics was inspired by the financial scandals that have locked the world in recent years. The trio of Kelly Pope, Joseph Koletar and Sridhar Ramamoorti try to unravel the mysterious psychological motivation that leads rich or good people into stealing. This is an incredible book for anyone seeking to unravel the mystery surrounding the collapse of Wall Street, Madoff saga and other incidences of fraud.

Agent Bishop, The True Stories from an FBI Agent is the work of Mike McPheters. This is what would be described as a true memoir. The agent has a dream job yet a calling to become a bishop. He has to juggle fighting crime using a pistol and the word of God at the same time. He is an easy and humorous story teller.

American Indian Mafia is the work of Joseph and John Trimbach. It carries the tales of law enforcers at Wounded Knees and Pine Ridge. The authors give a first hand account of intimidation of American Indian Movement and the violence that characterizes work in law enforcement.

Anatomy of Motive brings together a journalist and an agent charged with profiling criminals. Olshaker brings his journalistic skills to create an excellent narrative about the cases that Douglas has handled. It is interesting to read the minds of suspects and convicts in cases like children murders in Atlanta, shooting of 16 kids in Scotland and the Ted Kaczynski case.

Betrayal tells the tale of a determined agent who has to deal with unexpected obstacles in his quest to solve crime. He was born in slums and works hard to join the bureau and become a lethal crime buster. He is shocked by the realization that politicians and other influential administrators work in cohort with the criminals they are supposed to eliminate. Robert Fitzpatrick and Jon Land offer an interesting perspective on what it means to be regarded as a nosy cop.

Between Heaven and Hell was published in 2012 and captures the work of Larry Welch when he worked at and headed the bureau in Kansas. The incidences discussed include the capture of most-wanted criminals, serial killers, homicide suspects, cattle rustlers and notorious robbers. Other authors who have left their mark in titles about the bureau include Emerson Robert in Dancing with Devils, James Booting in Bullets, Bombs and Fast Talk and Joseph Wells in Bribery and Corruption Case Book.

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