Online Prophetic Ministry Discernment And Assignments

By Debra Murray

Visionary department is coming into maturity in this season. There will be prophets similar to John the Baptist that God will raise up, who will bring whole nations back to an encounter with God. Have a look at the following article taking us through theme Online Prophetic Ministry discernment and assignments.

Many powerful visionary ministries are born and ministers being raised up. In response to that, some attend every conference they can attend hoping for a share of anointing for themselves. Others reject the phenomenon due to wrong concepts and confusions. Questions and doubts arise due to the persons who operate naturally under the powerful visionary anointing.

Personal Development of Your Visionary Gift (Hab 2:1-3): In your prayer times, ask God if He has a message or insight about the situation, person or group that you are praying for. In particular, pay attention to pictures, ideas, thoughts, scriptures and Bible stories that come to mind as you pray; Use your knowledge of the Bible as a basis for filtering out anything that is not of the Holy Spirit.

For example, Samson in the book of Judges was powerfully anointed by the Holy Spirit, at the same time he has many problems in his life and moral. People think that a person who is used by God in demonstrations of power must be holy and with entirely correct doctrine, therefore, once they see a flaw in one's belief or character, they conclude that one's visionary ministries must not be from God.

A Visionary Mentor (1 Kings 19:19-21): A good mentor can help you grow in your visionary ministry. If someone that you would like to learn from has too many commitments to take personal time for you, you can still learn from them by observing their ministry and finding practical ways to assist them; Check that your mentor is engaged in the life of a healthy church, is accountable to lead and has a positive attitude about church life.

I have seen and heard visionary voices declaring blessing over the calamities in the world that are occurring. That may sound like a correct visionary word unless the catastrophes the prophecy is trying to address are happening as a result of human rebellion and sinful actions. Will God honor that kind of predictive word of restoration and blessing? Not likely, until the cause of the spiritual problem is resolved with Him.

This does not mean that we could do whatever we want because no good work would gain us the power of the Holy Spirit. But instead, we must examine all the prophecies we hear, no matter if they came from a person with powerful visionary track record or from a person who apparently has unresolved life issues. However, if a person is apparently in rebellion against God, we must not receive from him no matter how powerful he is.

If you are prophesying exclusively to the people of God, then there is no limits on what God can do with and through His people, but in this world, there is a distinction. This distinction between the people in God's Kingdom and those who choose Satan's Kingdom is pivotal in visionary discernment. The prophet must understand that God has said, a man will reap what he has sown whether good or evil. (See Galatians 6:7, 8.)

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