Some Simple Words That Will Change Your Entire Life

By Evan Sanders

In my final season of baseball in high school, I took a few trips down to USC to attend pitching camps with a very famous coach named Tom House.

While Tom had an average career as a baseball player, he became famous because he was the pitching coach for the most historic pitcher of all time, Nolan Ryan.

On a hot sunny day and after about 60-70 pitches in a bullpen, Tom looked at me and said words that I would never forget.

"Evan. 10% of the time you are going to be amazing, 10% of the time you are going to suck worse than imaginable, and 80% of the time you are going to be just average. Champions are made in that 80%."

Incredible. 80% of the days we are just going to feel ok.

For most people, that's pretty discouraging. However, when you really think about it, there's a whole lot more to it.

The secret is get to choose how your day is going to go when you make the decision to rise to the challenge or to fall to pieces. That is completely up to you.

You can become something great or choose to hide in the shadows. The choice is completely yours and no one else can make it for you.

Even though those decisions don't have an audience, they are the foundations to your integrity as a human being. They may seem like small choices, but eventually they add up and make a huge impact on your life.

Most days no one will ever see you put the time and effort in to become a champion.

And that's the game of life.

You are the sum result of the decisions you have made in the past. Don't like how things are now? Make different choices.

You know how much you put into something and what it really takes to get to where you want to go. If you know that, and you are willing to dedicate the time and make sacrifices, you can do anything with those 80% days and take advantage of what this life has to offer.

So if you want to get to the end of your life knowing that you gave it your all and that you actually lived your own life, then you have to make the choices that are necessary to do that. You have to live into your dreams.

And I'll be damned if I let the latter option happen in my life.

So decide that you are going to make the most of those 80% days and become a champion. Have the best year of your life.

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