Evangelism And Fellowship Through The Christian Social Network

By Enid Hinton

Today's social environment has transcended the physical and geographical spaces that people occupy.The internet has opened up a whole new, borderless world for all to access. People can share thoughts, work and socialize online. This online world is available to Christians as well and this is why a Christian social network will always be relevant despite the many changes that the world endures.

In the physical world, Christians have their own entities that play similar roles in their lives as their secular counterparts do for those who are not of the faith. Churches, gospel concerts and clubs for believers serve as places for rejuvenation, encouragement and socialization for Christians much in the same way as parties and clubs do for the secular world. Web based platforms for interaction should be viewed in a similar light.

Christians can use these virtual socializing platforms for fellowship. Fellowship plays a very important part in the life of a believer. Fellowship is the act of sharing faith based experiences and exhortations with others. This type of interaction is important because this is how many believers receive the encouragement and strength that they need to continue with their faith.

Quite often, there are non-Christians who join these virtual spaces. They may be ministered to by the Christian members and may be able converted. Many of them are encouraged to convert simply by the atmosphere of love and support that is created on the sites.

Christians also travel to foreign countries. For believers who have to leave their spiritual and temporal families to serve, work or live in foreign countries, these networks are invaluable. They help to maintain contact and reduce the possibility of someone becoming distant or a relationship becoming strained. This makes it easier for those who need to make the decision to travel as they can rest assured knowing that their ties will not be severed by the distance.

Friendships and romantic relationships may be facilitated by these platforms as well. It is easier for a believer to find a friend or partner through these networks as they are densely populated with individuals of like faith. This makes the Christians' life more fulfilling as they get to form bonds with those who not only share their faith but also other interests as well.

These sites are also great for helping believers to remain abreast of the current global state of Christendom. Through these virtual conversations, believers find out about the problems and triumphs experienced by Christians in countries all over the world. They are then able to offer support in terms of intercessional prayer where necessary. They can also mobilize their own local congregations to providing tangible assistance where necessary.

It is obvious that these virtual spaces provide benefits to those within as well as outside of the faith. This is why their relevance as a part of today's technologically savvy world cannot be ignored. It is their relevance that has played a significant roe in their increasing popularity in recent times.

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