Making The World Better Through Community Service

By Sebastian Troup

People don't always have time for community service though they acknowledge it to be a "feel good" activity that they want to accomplish. It is quite hard to make volunteering time with everyone so busy with their respective work and family. Listed here are a number of reasons why volunteering is a valuable use of your time aside from an opportunity to feel good about yourself.

Everybody knows that community service does indeed affect our community. Why not help in making the community a better place to live in by spending a few moments in service? Volunteer service for a few hours a month is more than enough to give huge difference and this is greatly appreciated. There are many varieties in volunteering activities today like park and street cleanups, local school projects, serving food at your local food pantry, helping with youth activities, and there is no shortage in such activities at any time soon. Such activities not only contribute to a better community but your family and yourself can benefit from it.

You'll become an example yourself when you do volunteering. Volunteering not only affects the greater community, but also directly impacts your family and friends. If you have kids, it becomes a great building block in teaching and mentoring them. If possible, find volunteer opportunities that encourage kids to participate so that you they can volunteer and help also. This will mold them to see that giving back is not only the right thing to do, but assisting others and the environment is a great investment for the years to come. This is also a nice chance to call you friends and invite them to participate by creating group volunteer events which can make an even bigger impact. The ever so popular social media makes it quite easy to organize group volunteering that can spread quite fast across the networks and as a result, will create a positive feedback not only on the volunteer experience and organization but also for you and your friends.

Many companies offer some sort of workplace volunteer program, which allows you to volunteer a certain amount of hours per month that are approved during work hours. Why not use this time to benefit the community? It's free time that you are already paid for, so take advantage and invite family members and friends to partake in group activities during work hours to get the most out of it. If your company does not have a workplace volunteer program, make sure to ask your management about it to help get one started!

Volunteerism enhances your skills and you gain more experience. This is one benefit that many don't realize, but is maybe one of the most important reasons to volunteer. You may have seen terms about volunteering such as "micro-volunteering" or "skills based volunteering." These are new concepts that are proving to be the most valuable to volunteers and organizations. Micro-volunteering or skills based volunteering means taking the skills you possess (often through your work experience) and applying it to a volunteer opportunity in small increments of time.

For example, many nonprofits do not have in-house web designers. If you are a web designer, your skills are in high demand. Taking time to volunteer every couple of weeks for a few hours and applying your design skills to an organization in need will have a huge impact for only a small commitment of your time. Not only will the organization benefit from it, but you will also gain additional experience by honing your skills. For freelance web designers, this is a great opportunity to do some pro-bono work that could potentially lead to a long-term contract with the organization once they see how well you do volunteering.

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