Use Of EMDR Therapy For PTSD Treatment

By Young Lindsay

Post traumatic stress disorder causes psychological problems like severe anxiety, persistent flashbacks, and unending nightmares among mental problems. It develops mainly after experiencing or witnessing terrifying events. These events pose a threat to the physical well-being of individuals, their lives, or those of other persons. Applying EMDR therapy for PTSD dampens the emotionally charged past memories that occur after experiencing a traumatic event.

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing- EMDR offers a comprehensive as well as integrative psychological approach in treating this disorder. Epidemiology of this syndrome shows that it has a prevalence of about 8 to 10 percent in a lifetime, and is responsible for a lot of disability and morbidity. It is more common among the female gender than in their male counterparts.

Part of the brain called the amygdale, is closely linked with pathogenesis of PTSD. When this part of brain is activated by frightening input, it can induce to fear that triggers stimulation of other related structures such as nuclei parabrachial, locus ceruleus, hypothalamus, and periaqueductal gray. Such stimulation effect triggers the production of hormone and neurotransmitter substances, which are the chief cause of symptoms.

One inhibiting factor to amygdala activation is the orbitofrontal cortex. Hippocampus also acts to regulate the amygdala. Patients who suffer from PTSD show have orbitofrontal cortex that is unable to effectively stop the activation or stimulation of amygdale owing to atrophy induced by stress. These changes in the brain eventually subject the people who experienced horrible events to begin suffering from the mental problems like nightmares and flashbacks.

There are risk factors connected to this condition such as nature of the trauma event, the personal qualities, and the subsequent events. Aspects like psychiatric illnesses suffered before the bad event, the previous exposure, genes, and the tendency of family members to suffer the syndrome are major determinants in an individual. In analyzing the exposure, things like proximity to the event, its severity, and how long it lasted are also considered.

The chances of developing the disorders are also determined by hyperarousal as well as re-experiences. In order for a patient to show positive results from examination, they have to display some or all of these signs for about 30 days after the terrifying event. However, the period may vary significantly.

The syndrome may also affect your general appearance with patients often showing a poor personal hygiene and untidiness. Somatic complaints are also common. A few people develop complications such as depression and anxiety. Its consequences can range from subtle to avid and it affects the quality of life greatly. Other patients may have issue with drug abuse and alcohol. Other complications include eating disorders and suicidal thoughts or actions.

Treatment is both psychotherapy and pharmacotherapy centered. Psychotherapy involves cognitive therapy, exposure therapy and eye movement desensitization and reprocessing therapy. In EMDR treatment, a therapists uses his or fingers and moves them back and forth on the eyes and asks the patients to follow the motions using the eyes. The therapist also asks the patients to recall the disturbing events. Therapists may also use other methods like toe tapping and musical tones.

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