Representing Myself In A Charlotte, NC Criminal Case

By Lakota R. Denton

Following a criminal charge in Charlotte, NC, people typically hire a lawyer to represent them in court. As a matter of fact, it is your constitutional right to be represented by an attorney. For all kinds of reasons, some people choose to represent themselves in their criminal case. The term Pro Se litigant is a Latin term which means, "for oneself" or "on one's own behalf". In a civil case, one is free to start proceedings at their own leisure as a Pro Se litigant, but this is not the case in a criminal matter. Due to the severity of a criminal conviction, first a judge must first grant you permission to represent yourself.

In order for you to be allowed to proceed as a Pro Se litigant, a judge must first deem that you are competent to do so. The judge will evaluate several factors, including: age, language and verbal skills, education level, and the crime in question. These are just some of the things the judge is weighing when trying to determine whether a defendant may be a Pro Se litigant. If the judge does approve, the defendant must then consent to give up their right to be represented by an attorney. Once this has been established, the case may proceed.

Often times, people attempting to represent themselves as Pro Se litigants are not in full control of their mental facilities. If this is the case, a judge will also determine whether the defendant has mental competency. Generally, mental and psychological experts will examine the defendant and will come to a conclusion of the defendant's mental health. This is done for two purposes: first, to determine whether the defendant is mentally competent to represent themselves and second, whether the defendant is even mentally competent to stand trial. If a defendant is found to be mentally incompetent to stand trial, then self-representation doesn't even matter. However, if a judge does find that a defendant is mentally competent to stand trial, it doesn't mean that the judge has to find that the defendant is mentally competent to represent themselves as a Pro Se litigant.

It is typically considered a very bad idea to be a Pro Se litigant, unless your charges are very minor. Even, it is not recommended. One of the reasons for this is that in the event any procedural mistakes are made during your trial, representing yourself means you waive your rights to an appeal or mistrial. It could also be argued that the average person does not possess the knowledge required to navigate legal proceedings effectively. Given the complexity of criminal proceedings, and the availability of options for defendants in the form of private lawyers, court appointed lawyers and public defenders, it seems like a bad move with dire consequences to choose to represent you in a criminal matter.

If you or someone you know have been charged with a crime, it is important to consult with an experienced criminal defense attorney that can help zealously defend your case. Contact Us at Minick Law, P.C. for a free consultation on your case.

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