Learning About Belize Connection And Facts About The Country

By Gwen Lowe

Belize is a country located on the northern coast of Central America, bordered by Mexico and Guatemala. It is the only Central American country that has English as its official language. This is because it used to be a British territory. The country has become a popular tourist destination as well as a popular retirement spot for wealthy people. Belize connection seeks to share information about the country with prospective visitors and business people.

English is the principle language in the country, due to its British heritage. It is the only English speaking country in Central America. However, there are other languages in the culture as well, including Spanish, German and Kriol, with many different dialects throughout the country.

The country produces many industrial minerals. Sugar is one of their main crops and accounts for half of all exports from the country. The banana industry is also significant, since it is the largest employer in the country.

Today, the country fosters strong ties with its Latin American neighbors. It is a member of CARICOM, the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States, as well as the Central American Integration System. The country is also famous for its September Celebrations, as well as being the birthplace of chewing gum and the originator of Punta music.

The country currently has the lowest population density of any nation in Central America, with only thirty-five people per square mile. It is known for its unique biodiversity and varied ecosystems, with swampy plain areas on the coast and hills and mountains in the south. Much of the land is still undeveloped and covered with forests. It has many jungles and wildlife reserves, along with many different varieties of flora and fauna. The country also has the largest cave system in Latin America.

The country also has a hurricane season, lasting from the beginning of June until the end of November, although statistically it does not get many major hurricanes or direct hits. There are also occurrences of severe tropical weather, causing high winds and heavy rain. However, the country does have safety measures in places for dealing with impending storms. Evacuation procedures help to save lives and minimize damage when there are hurricanes or tropical storms approaching.

The website was developed to meet the needs of business people in that country. It offers a way for them to advertise their products . The founder is Terese Fegan. The website mainly deals with internet marketing. Ms. Fegan has built six online stores and did a lot of network marketing before starting her website. Her aim is to expand the brand further than what it is today by introducing new product ideas for the business.

The website was founded by Terese Fegan who was born there but resides with her husband in Florida. Although she works for the State of Florida as an Administrative Assistant in the Circuit Courts, Terese still considers herself to be entrepreneur. Her specialization is business advertising for Belizean businesses, in order to help these companies receive exposure in the global market. Her company also offers business referral services as well as social media consultations.

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