Having The Proper Attitude To Get Your Girl Back

By Brent Peterson

It's quite normal for you to have an intense desire to get back together with your wife or ex-girlfriend after she broke up with you. She was your best friend and the person that you cared about the most in this world. The rejection from having someone that close to you can be overwhelming and difficult to deal with emotionally. It has taken a toll on your male ego, your self-confidence and you are left with a giant hole in your life. Wanting to get her back in your life again as soon as possible is probably on your mind throughout most of your day. You should realize though that your attitude and how you deal with your ex is more important than any plan that you might hatch to get her back.

Most guys try all the tried and true methods that they are told will help them to convince their girlfriend to come back. You have probably already thought of trying to talk things through or promising that things will be different in order to change her heart. Of course, in case you didn't already know, these methods aren't going to get you anywhere. Unless your wife or girlfriend has a desire to work things out, these methods will only make her avoid your further. If you are guilty of trying to talk to her about getting back together or if you made some emotional plea for her to come back to you because you love her then you have done more damage than good. The only way that you are going to undo this damage is by giving her a little space and time. You should avoid trying to make contact with her and wait for her to connect with you again. It will happen but it's going to take a while. You can contact her again at some point if you want to but only once you have your life straightened out and you are feeling strong emotionally again.

First, the attitude that you need to adopt when it comes to your girlfriend or wife or any woman, for that matter, is one of indifference. In short, you need to be willing to walk away both figuratively and literally when she begins to treat you poorly. If she yells at you, has an attitude with you or if she acts disrespectful towards you in any way, you need to be willing to walk away. This attitude will permeate your soul and be evident to your ex in your body language as well as your actions.

You might worry that your ex will be offended or that she will laugh at you but the opposite is true. The moment you are willing to walk away, she loses the power in the relationship. Once you stop tolerating bad behavior from a woman, you take the power back. Try it sometime. The next time any woman treats you poorly, tell her that you don't have to put up with this since she isn't your girlfriend and physically walk away. You might be surprised by how quickly things will change. You will have passed her test and she will have a new found respect for you.

Next, never let your girlfriend or wife see you upset, sad or depressed. You always want your ex to see you at your best. This means that your physical appearance is tidy and clean. You have a smile on your face and your body posture and body language says that you are happy. You have a renewed zest for life. You have goals and dreams as well as the ability to achieve anything that you set your mind to. While the breakup was devastating to you, your life is actually better now that you no longer worry about what she thinks of you. You're free to do what you want with your life.

Push aside any fear that you might have that your ex will be upset by your new persona. You may think that you need to be sad or depressed so your ex will know that you miss them. You might fear that being happy would somehow tell your ex that you don't love her anymore. You are not in control of what she thinks and it might be a good thing is she worries that you are moving on without her. If she wants to know, she can ask you. You have a life to live and you can't be expected to sit around like a hurt puppy waiting for her to come back into your life so you can live. Your world doesn't revolve around her anymore. Your world revolves around you and your dreams.

While you're waiting for your girlfriend or wife to come back to you, this is your time to shine. This is your time to not only rebuild your life but build the kind of life that you dream about. You have a choice. You can waste precious days, weeks or months being upset, sad and lonely or you can make plans for what you wish to accomplish with your life. Make a list of your dreams and goals. Think big and don't hold anything back. Your breakup might be the best thing that ever happened to you. You get a fresh start on life. Whether your girlfriend or wife wants to be a part of it is up to her but who wouldn't want to be a part of the life that you are creating?

Change your attitude and you can change your life. Change your attitude and you will begin to see changes in your ex. Push aside the fear of what your ex is going to think or do and start living your life for yourself. Make yourself happy and your ex will be drawn to you in a way that they may have never been attracted to you before. You are a man on a mission and it's up to you who enjoys this journey with you. Your ex should consider herself lucky that you still love her. She will understand one day soon. She will see the real you and want to come back to you. It could happen at any time so be prepared for her to come back when you least expect it.

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