Many Times A Great Food Packaging Illustration Is A Deciding Factor

By Marcia Marks

Food packaging illustration is an important part of designing any food product or brand. Being concise, truthful and inventive is always an important. You can always hire a graphic designer or copywriter to do this for you but in the case that you would prefer to save a little cash or even enjoy doing it yourself, there are certain important tips to take into account in this regard.

Luckily there is a wealth of people who are just so design oriented who are more than willing and able to do the work for those who haven't a clue. There are a number of steps to be taken however in finding and organizing such a project. Following these simple steps will ensure a smooth and successful project in the creation of your brand logo.

Firstly, always remember that color is vitally important when designing any logo. Color is not a random choice and when used in certain order or conjunctions conveys a number of certain ideas. Bright colors grab the eye and pull the viewer in whilst drab and grey color pallets will likely be glazed over by the viewer in favor of another product.

The second step in the process is to locate a reasonable and trustworthy designer. It is always better to meet face-to-face rather than to source a designer over the internet, to do so may be cheaper but will probably only result in a low quality output. Also being able to see a designer's portfolio of work firsthand will let you know what their quality of work is like.

Thirdly, an important decision to make is that of your choice of type. A custom type seen in such logos as that of Coca-Cola will delight to the eye and show that your brand is unique and inventive. Standard lettering shows no attempt to be original or take any risks and will not impress anything upon viewers and customers.

Once the designer begins their work they will most likely present you with a number of concept ideas for you to choose which your favorite is. You need to weigh up the pros and cons of each design. Such choices include: does this represent my company and will the colors work within the overall company identity of my brand.

Always remember to give feedback to your designer during this process. Letting them know exactly what you feel about each design will go a long way towards helping them develop a design that is more to your liking. Look at the design process as a journey rather than a destination.

Designing logo for your product or food packaging illustration does not need to be a difficult or laborious process. Finding the right designer and prepping them accordingly will help to make this process a far easier one. Never be afraid to ask for help.

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