A Brief Analysis On Part Of African Social Network

By Marissa Velazquez

The African social network is undergoing regular improvement and the status today is better than before. It is rare to find a conversation that does not touch on some aspects of interaction among people on the black continent. There is cheap bandwidth and the number of mobile phones available for supply is quite large. This makes it easy to connect to people locally and globally.

Today, people on the continents are enjoying every bit of their digital world. This may all seem like a joke or perhaps some magic, but in reality, Africa is working hard to transform its digital aspects with an aim of doing things in quite a different manner. In fact, persons are transforming, a new mode of communication is being realized and many companies are putting their dependency on these mediums to operate and increase sales.

People have carried several researches about the general aspects of social networking in Africa. Some findings indicate that this continent has the largest number of people who own mobile phones. In fact, Africa is the second largest cell phone marketers and distributors in the world after Asia. Again, the number of people using cell phones to communicate at the current time is more than 700 million.

Researchers have foreseen that the number of people using cell phones is going to increase to increase significantly in the next few years. The primary reason for the focus on improving the technology in Africa is to enable institutions to meet the consumption and spending needs of its people. If you have done enough keen observation, you will discover that mobile phones are popular than computers.

Most people on the continent access the internet through their mobile phone. In fact, the number of people accessing social platforms through mobile phones outnumbers people using desktop personal computers and laptops to get the same access. This alone, is an enough description that shows how much Africans have taken up great interest on being part of social media platform.

it is important to note that there has been a research to know the number of people using social media platforms. Findings indicate that more then 44 million people in African have registered active accounts. The increase in the number of people using social network is a clear indication that that the huge number of persons guarantee an improvement of the African market.

Many people will still use mobile phones to get in touch with one another. In 2016 alone, the number will be grater then seven hundred million. It is important to note that some cell phone service providers avail mobile phone data at a cheaper rate, meaning that people can access the internet with ease and always. The economic status of Africa is thus geared to witness an improvement in terms of market demand.

It is now obvious than before that African Social Network performs other tasks other than bringing people together. In fact, today people are using social media for the purpose of finding more customers, expanding their businesses and also marketing and distributing their product. This has led to a progressive growth in the economy of Africa in general.

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