Gain ISO Certification With The Help Of An As9100 Consultant

By Judy Sullivan

The search for the best method to run a company has led to a series of changing approaches that experience great excitement and then fade away, each successive technique leaving its mark on the field. None has had as great an impact as the so called quality movement which made a fundamental and lasting change, and ensured ISO standards acceptance globally. Gaining certification under ISO standards can be daunting however, making an AS9100 consultant a solid investment.

After World War II, the manufacturing segment of the US became wildly successful, anything bearing the Made in America marking was in demand across the globe. A little over two decades later, Japanese cars, stereos and television started appearing everywhere, and people consumed them over domestic products everywhere. From politicians to business leaders, the result was dire concern and a determination to discover what caused the shift.

It is important to realize the initial proponents of this quality centered process were Americans, Doctors W. Edwards Deming and Joseph Juran working independently. Their ideas were published in the United States as early as 1939 and 1951 respectively, but were largely ignored by American managers. Dr Deming focused on statistical process control, while Dr Juran believed management training was the key.

As US business accepted the notion that consumers were the ones who determined the quality of a product and began to understand that management needed to take a more active role in the actual businesses they run, competitiveness returned. The realization that consistency and engagement with employees, and communities were compatible with success was a fundamental paradigm shift. The idea of standardization in production and service gained acceptance everywhere.

The development of ISO standards began in 1946, and were meant as guidelines for international products and services. The name ISO comes from the Greek word isos, meaning equal, and thus if two products meet the same standard, they should be equal. While they have been around for some time, it was not until the release of the ISO 9000 standards in 1987 that they gained global acceptance and adoption.

ISO certification accomplishes two things, it helps a company deliver a product or service guaranteed to meet international needs, and it provides an immediate status for consumers that the company is worthy of their confidence. These standards have been developed for most segments of the commercial world, including aviation, which already enjoyed a great reputation for safety. The success in the aviation field is largely due to a strict adherence to checklist operations in all areas of operation, ensuring standardized performance.

To take this operation to the next level requires an analysis of every process involved not only with an eye for efficiency, but with a plan to understand, anticipate and implement what the customers want. Aviators concern themselves with on time takeoffs, but consumers may be more interested in on time landings.

In order to gain ISO certification, airlines must examine every process. With the large number of moving parts involved, it is a daunting task. An as9100 consultant can help navigate the many requirements and streamline the business at the same time.

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