The Strangest Secret - Believe And Succeed

By Natasha A. Unzueta

This is the second in a series of articles based on the teachings found in the success classic "The Science of Getting Rich", written in 1910 by Wallace D. Wattles. This book-now in the public domain--is essential reading for anyone who wants to become wealthy.In the second chapter of "The Science of Getting Rich", Mr. Wattles explains that getting rich is a science; in fact, it's an exact science, like mathematics. That is, there's a series of principles or laws that govern the process of acquiring wealth, and once these are learned and systematically applied by anyone, that person will get rich.

When I read a self-help book, I write down notes about it and I practice what the author writes about. I'm a very passionate learner. I always learn something from the books I read. The last book I read is "The Science of Getting Rich" by Wallace D. Wattles. It is one of the most wonderful books I have ever read. Everybody in the world can learn something good from this book.Here are some of my notes about the message of this book: "Impress images to your thoughts, add faith and purpose and CAUSE the thing you think to be created, to be REAL, and don't forget gratitude!" "By thought, the thing you want is brought to you. By the right action -right NOW-, you receive it."

"If getting rich is the result of doing things in a certain way, and if like causes always produce like effects, then any man or woman who can do things in that way can become rich, and the whole matter is brought within the domain of exact science." People tend to think that the following are the causes of getting rich:The environment in which you're currently working or have set up your business. That is, the neighborhood, town, city, state, or country in which you currently work.How much talent you have or how smart you are.Choosing a particular business or profession.Doing things others fail to do.Having easy access to capital.

However, Mr. Wattles explains one by one why these factors are not the causes of achieving wealth. Getting rich is not a matter of environment; there are countless examples of people working in the same business and in the same neighborhood, but one fails and the other succeeds.If the environment were the cause of getting rich, everyone in the same state would be rich, while those in another state would all be poor. Although it is true that some environments or locations are more favorable than others, the environment is not the cause of getting rich.

Have complete control of your thoughts. Think true regardless of appearances. It doesn't matter what happens around you, if you are creating your own thoughts and beliefs, have faith that everything is good. There are only good things for you in the universe. When you have a thought, you create a powerful image in your mind. That thought/image creates a feeling and an emotion. If you send out negative vibes, you get negative results. If you send out positive vibes you get positive results.

Every thought has a purpose - the thing you want to create - believe that you deserve only good things and be sure that you already have what you want, hold your faith. There is no place for any doubt. Be grateful for every little thing you have and for the things you are asking for (because you already have them). And, act now, do the right actions. Do your best every day.

What you need in order to be able to do things in this "certain way" is:Enough intelligence to read and understand "The Science of Getting Rich".A willingness to interact with people to some degree.Basic common sense; for example, don't start a salmon fishery where there are no salmons.And, most importantly, begin to live in harmony with the laws governing the universe. These laws are explained in "The Science of Getting Rich". Since like causes produce like effects, no matter who you are, where your business is located, or what your personal circumstances may be, if you act in accordance with the principles and laws that govern the process of acquiring wealth, you must get the results you're looking for. The cause is doing things "in a certain way", and money is the effect.

Mr. Wattles says to start where you are right now. Begin in your present business-or other situation-, and in your present location, to do things in a certain way which causes success. Begin right now, wherever you are.There is a thinking stuff from which all things are made, and which, in its original state, permeates, penetrates, and fills the interspaces of the universe. A thought, in this substance, Produces the thing that is imaged by the thought. Man can form things in his thought, and, by impressing his thought upon formless substance, can cause the thing he thinks about to be created."- Wallace Wattles, "The Science of Getting Rich"

Conversely, if you can manage to change negative self-talk into positive self-talk, you can take the first steps on the path to both happiness and prosperity. Person growth instructors like Bob Proctor, who was featured in the phenomenally successful DVD, "The Secret," are using the principles Wattles set forth to teach people how to develop beliefs that lead to financial success. The self help, motivational message he starts with asks people whether or not they truly want to achieve financial independence. For example, his experience is that people are deeply conflicted about money, about their financial goals, and about the prospect of attracting wealth. From there, he works with people to help them change their negative thoughts into affirming thoughts.

I once heard a metaphor of the expectant mother. A woman prepares for her child, arranges her house, life and relationships around the expected baby. The woman behaves like a mother, becoming aware of relevant issues to people with children. She goes shopping for the baby, tells everyone about the baby...joyously awaits the arrival of her child.We don't have to understand how a process works to use it. Humanity reproduced well before science explained how the process works. With the faith of an expectant mother, we can believe the process will deliver results; every time for everybody that uses it - especially in the appearance of failure.

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