The Science Of Getting Rich Reloaded - How To Put The Law Of Attraction To Work

By Josie Uitendaal

Is there a scientific formula that can make anyone rich? Well almost 100 years ago, during the year 1910, Wallace D. Wattles came out with his breakthrough masterpiece the, "Science of Getting Rich". Inside of this timeless classic, Wattles states that getting rich is a predictable outcome when one masters a certain method. Therefore, it is no accident that one obtains wealth, but a reaction of doing things in a certain way, and when man or woman learns these principles there is no limit to their success.

Basically using the law of attraction boils down to setting up a daily cycle in your life.Visualize an outcome - see the result,Take note of the ideas that come to mind,See the world in the context of this vision,Notice new things, create a mindset that appreciates things rather than discounts them,Add in these things to your vision and let the vision morph,Take action in anyway that you can on these ideas and on your vision,Repeat morning and night every day.Wattles states:You must form a clear and definite mental picture of what you want; you cannot transmit an idea before you have it yourself. You must have it before you can give it; and many people fail to impress Thinking Substance because they have themselves only a vague and misty concept of the things they want to do, have, or to become.If you close your eyes right now can you see a picture of what you want in your life? Can you step into it and feel, smell, and hear? Wattles says: It is not enough that you should have a general desire for wealth "to do good with" everybody has that desire.

Bob Proctor was once like the rest of us, looking for a way to make more money and become financially wealthy. He was given a long forgotten book written by Delois Wattles called the Science of Getting Rich and his life was forever changed. Bob recognized the potential contained within the book and used it to amass wealth and success.

As you go through the day find moments to bring your vision to mind just long enough to appreciate it and be grateful for it.Continue this process as the first step of the law of attraction daily cycle.Whether you have read "The Science of Getting Rich" or not you'll want to experience it in a whole new way. You'll want to experience it as delivered and interpreted by Bob Proctor with some help from Michael Beckwith and Jack Canfield. You will learn to use The Science of Getting Rich as your own secret weapon and as your key to success and creation.What's your excuse for not being successful? There are plenty. We place blame, we allow others to become obstacles to us, we blame outside forces for our lack of success.The problem here is that those things really don't matter. If you really want to succeed, you won't allow anything to stand in your way.

Proctor decided that this method should not be kept secret. Although he doesn't come right out and tell you how to get rich, there are enough hints and exercises contained in the program he modeled after this book that anyone could find the answers to their problems and gain wealth for themselves. Who better to learn how to become rich than someone who has used the method and been successful in fulfilling his dreams?

In addition, his book precedes the far more popular classic Think And Grow Rich, which was written by Napoleon Hill. Upon reading the two books, one can't help but wonder to what degree if any, Wattles' work may have influenced Hill. There are commonalities between the two books that are unmistakeable. For the true student of law of attraction and for anyone looking to understand the mechanics of the process of deliberate creation and creating a life of inspired abundance, The Science of Getting Rich is a very valuable read.

Environment goes far beyond where you live though or how you grew up. Race, religion, sex, and other factors are part of your environment. These factors don't matter when it comes to success though because you will always find both rich and poor in any environment.Talent isn't a factor in getting rich.Hollywood, as well as the rest of the world, is populated with plenty of people who don't have a lot of talent. What they do have is the drive and ambition to succeed, and they know what they need to do to achieve their goals.As a writer, I see this more than in just about any profession there is: writers think that because they are talented, or they have written the "Great American Novel," that all they have to do is be discovered, and it will launch them into best seller status.

Getting rich is not a matter of environment, is not the result of a superior talent or even the result of things that are neglected or overlook by others. The Science of Getting Rich states that in order to get rich you most do things in a certain way and believe that everything you'll ever want is already here. You simply most become aware of it's presence and when you do, you're going to attract it into your life.When you don't believe that you can have all the money that you want, you start sabotaging yourself, that way you'll never get rich. However, if you picture yourself wealthy, wholeheartedly believe that you'll become wealthy and take action on those thoughts and feelings, great riches will follow.If you want the Science of Getting Rich to work for you read the tips below.

Once you get used to the arcane language, the book is crystal clear in virtually every argument it poses, from everyone's right to be rich, to the abundance of opportunities available to anyone, and how riches are attracted. The book takes only a few pages to clearly cut straight to the chase. In fact, you've almost got to love any book about money that, in it's first sentence, says that it's, "a practical manual, not a treatise upon theories...intended for the men and women whose most pressing need is for money, who wish to get rich first, and philosophize afterward.

Throughout the book, Wattles directly encourages us to "Think in The Certain Way," implores us to connect to the universal source of all things through gratitude, and, most importantly, insists that we take action to create results."The Science of Getting Rich" is a true breath of fresh air. Not only does it summarize what wealth seekers need to know to get on the path to riches, it leaves a path to follow and imparts the faith that anyone who gets, and stays, on the path will reach their destination. Any secret that makes those kinds of promises should never remain a secret.

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