Homeopathic Remedies For Anxiety - Natural Ways To Cure Anxiety Attacks

By Tyrone P. Rollins

Our innate desire is to be happy, and when we move away from it, we experience fear.This fear is actually millions of years old, for it arises from the biological programming of our species.While we may not have to contend with a sabre-toothed tiger on any given day, we still use those very reactions to deal with events looming ahead.We think, "Will I be fired for making that mistake at work?" or "Will I be able to meet the mortgage after I fix the car?" or "Will my health continue to decline?" or "Will my relationship fall apart after that argument we just fell into?"Running questions with this type of urgency and helplessness trains our brains to prepare now for future danger by loading our bodies up with the stress hormone cortisol.Anxiety is our anticipation of a dangerous future. We imagine having even less of the little that we have today.

But you can treat anxiety without having to take these kinds of medicines, and in fact, many people successfully treat their anxiety and panic disorder by alternative therapies such from therapy to herbal roots and teas that are meant to calm the mind and body.Maybe you've heard of positive thinking before? It seems too simple to work, but does it have to be complicated? There are a lot of people who find a great deal of relief from symptoms of anxiety when they start looking at their problems a little bit differently.If you think about how you become anxious many times, you will see that it is the way you are thinking that triggers a panic episode. You think that every single thing that happens to you is having a negative effect on your life, and so it does.Having anxiety means that you spend every single minute analyzing every situation you are in, and seeing the worst that could happen. This is our mind's way of tricking us into changing the way that we live our life when we develop these anxiety disorders.

In order to feel more calm though, there are some remedies that are herbal that have been a great help to a lot of individuals. Some remedies like Passionflower can be ingested in a variety of ways, which produce a feeling of relaxation for many people. Some herbs even help with insomnia and stomach problems which can flare up during times of acute stress.You have to be careful when you take herbs or supplements like these though, because they can cause some unwanted side-effects. As with any medication, always consult your doctor before taking anything new to be on the safe side.As an anxiety sufferer, you have a few things that you can do that can do to try to get through your anxiety without becoming dependent on some pill that you end up becoming addicted to, which never helped you in the first place.As a Homeopath, I deal with a large number of clients (adults and children) suffering from anxiety. So, I'm writing this article to give you, the reader, information about homeopathic medicine, and also to give you information about which remedy may be useful for your anxiety. The correct homeopathic remedy can cure anxiety swiftly and painlessly.

Although homeopathic medicine works on all physical and emotional ailments, I decided to focus on anxiety in this article because anxiety seems to be at an all time high in our society. Anxiety can stop you in your tracks and have a devastating impact on the quality of your life. It is an intense emotional pain that we will do anything to avoid. We are programmed to move away from pain towards pleasure as quickly as possible. When we do this with anxiety, the anxiety gathers momentum because it is not challenged (what we resist persists). In our bid to avoid future bouts of anxiety, we will develop a range of strategies to cope. One strategy is avoidance. The anxious person knows what triggers their anxiety so they avoid those situations. This hugely restricts the freedom of the sufferer and leaves the anxiety lying dormant just waiting to strike again. Often people with anxiety will not seek treatment because they fear that they will have to face their anxiety and suffer through it in order to be cured. This is not the case with homeopathic medicine. Homeopathy does not just control the symptoms of anxiety. It cures the anxiety at its root. It cures naturally and safely without conscious effort on your part. I will list some useful remedies at the end of this article, but first let us look at anxiety.

Despite the billions of dollars spent to heal anxiety and depression, and all the mood disorders and behavioral anomalies that arise from them, the cure is simple, quick, and free.Anxiety is a condition wherein people experience the feelings of dreadfulness, uneasiness, apprehension, worry and fear. In response to stressors that people experience, anxiety is a normal reaction or a normal coping mechanism. But for others, their anxiety can become excessive, in which point it then turns into a disorder. Anxiety affects not only the emotional and psychological aspects but they also have physical and even behavioral effects on people. There is an anxiety treatment developed to help people with anxiety disorders. This anxiety treatment can be categorized into 3, namely medicine-based anxiety treatment, psychology-based anxiety treatment and the alternative approach to anxiety treatment.

Anxiety is always a response to immediate or future anticipated events. The symptoms of anxiety are created by our natural 'fight or flight' response. We see or anticipate danger, our body then reacts by ensuring we are physically ready to fight or flee. This response is healthy when we are faced with a hungry lion in our back garden but that doesn't happen very often in our society. Most of our anxieties are about everyday occurrences that do not require physical strength to fight, or agility to run. We may have anxiety in social gatherings, or when we are required to do a presentation. Neither of these activities requires us to fight or flee so we are just left with the uncomfortable feeling produced by our fight or flight response making us want to flee!

So why do we feel this anxiety in certain situations? And why is it that some people can cope well with these situations and others can't? The answer lies in our thoughts. Our body reacts in this way to 'perceived' danger. Perceived is the important word here, because we create our own perceptions usually from past experience. So, lets take our example of being anxious about doing a presentation in front of a group of people. This is a very common fear and I think it largely has its roots in our young school days. It could be that someone with this fear was asked to read out loud in class at school. They may have made a mistake and the whole class laughed at them. Obviously nobody would want to experience this type of situation again so the unconscious mind decides that this type of activity is now a danger to you. Any future events that you may face that have any elements relating to the school experience will be seen as a danger to you and will provoke a fight or flight response to keep you safe. Once you understand what is happening (you are not really in danger of losing your life etc) you can consciously decide to challenge this response. This is however quite a difficult thing to do which is why people suffering anxiety will do anything to avoid situations that trigger their anxiety.

Psychology-Based Anxiety Treatment.There are two main psychological anxiety treatments. These are the Cognitive behavioral treatment and the applied relaxation treatment.Cognitive Behavioral treatment - Many people have benefited from this type of therapy because it aims to help people suffering from anxiety disorders identify the behavioral patterns as well as strong unrealistic beliefs that they have and then try to face them and change them into more acceptable behaviors and beliefs.

Applied relaxation treatment - This anxiety remedy aims to help people relax or practice relaxation techniques whenever they are faced with anxiety-inducing situations. One of the main aims of this therapy is to help you relax or loosen your muscles when you start to feel anxious. Breathing techniques or using words such as "relax" are examples of the applied relaxation treatment.

Alternative Approach to Anxiety Treatment.There are a lot of alternative approaches used for anxiety remedy today. Most of them are used as a complimentary treatment to either medical or psychological approach. Here are a couple examples:Yoga - Yoga, with its breathing and postural control and even its meditation aspect is quite effective in helping one relax and control one's anxiety. Because of this, it is considered as one of the best alternative treatments used in anxiety disorders.Acupuncture - This technique of sticking needles into specific areas of the body to help with the flow of energy was introduced by the people of China, but it is now being used all over the world. It is also being used as an effective complimentary anxiety treatment.

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