Non-Partisan Political Information Is An Endangered Species In The US

By Cara Torres

Non-partisan political information is. Simply, the facts about whatever is being discussed. The need for this type of information is what most people would like to have in order to form their own opinions of any particular issue. What they usually find, however, is partisan rhetoric disguised as facts, such as what is reported in most of the dominant media.

The absence of real hard news, in the press, contributes to the scarcity of information that truly informs. The partisan quotes of one particular party are substituted for the investigation and hard questions that used to provide real news. The two categories of print media, hard news and commentary, have been subsumed under an editorial policy that takes the easy out and merely parrots the one party.

By only being informed by the thoughts and beliefs of one party and mimicking the other party, the press does not present informative news. The departure from the hard questions creates a media that will support one party over another, regardless of issue. Many people do like this type of partisan reporting and way of looking at things, however, it leaves others wanting true non-partisan political information.

Simply repeating the words of a politician as being the news fit to print makes the exercise of a First Amendment protected entity a dangerous element of the body politic. This does not matter whether it is a right or left wing elected or appointed person. Politics, for all of its necessity in the debates of the day, do not require the press to bolster one side or the other.

No press member will ask a direct question of a politician except in one case. That case is when they are interviewing a candidate or elected person of the other party. Since they rarely associate with these individuals, the news is simply filled with what the reporter gets from what their favorite candidate thinks the other will say. Since this is not from the horses mouth, so to speak, it is not news.

The inability to get a clear idea about things are especially important as we discuss gun violence. One side will say that guns are dangerous and, by having more weapons on the street, the violence is expanding. This contributes to the idea that everyone who buys a gun is going to become a crime statistic. The fact, on the other side is that, as gun ownership is more wide spread, gun crimes have gone down.

The news about immigration will always present legal and illegal immigrants as being one class. The facts present a true representation of what is going on. Emotion, again, proscribes what must be thought about in this issue according to the unbalanced thoughts presented in the media. They must both be looked at as being in the same group because we do not want to deprive immigrants entry to the country. No differentiation is allowed.

No amount of non-partisan political information will counter the partisan stuff that is put out on the airwaves and print media. This is unfortunate as many people will always act in ways that are appropriate if they have the facts. This situation will not get any better until those people stand up and say that there has been enough of this. They must demand that politicians either tell the truth or stay home.

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