The Secret Art Of Legendary Pickup Artist: MYSTERY

By J. Ryu

There exists in the realm of Pickup Artists many schools of thought. Naturally with these school of thoughts there exists different gurus, experts, pickup artists, and disciples. There are systems that focus on just getting as much sex as you can, systems that teach you how to pick up as many women as possible, and those that teach you how to gain and maintain real relationships. All these pickup artist techniques are variations of a fundamental system but at different complexities. I personally dislike the sex systems because they are shallow, abuse the pickup artist techniques, and generally are cheap, quick fixes that skim on the art of attracting women. I prefer systems that focus on actual relationships and treating women like human beings instead of a talking blow up doll.

If you study pickup artist methods, there exists a whole parallel universe complete with their own language, ideology, code system, and ideals. Amongst the many pickup artist tactics and systems, I will review the world famous and legendary: Mystery's M3 Model. This is one of the first systems that was actually codified into a set structure and functions as the skeleton/guideline for quite a few of the systems out there.


1. Open

2. Female to Male Interest

3. Male to Female Interest


1. Building Rapport

2. Building emotional and physical connections

3. Intimacy


1. Arousal

2. Last Minute Resistance

3. Sex

A1. Open.

You open the set, meaning you start contact by approaching them. This includes the scary cold approaches, pickup lines, and beginning a conversation. Should also contain a Social Hook Point. This is the pivotal moment in the start of a cold interaction where the set (girls, group of women, group of guys/girls) want you to stick around for a bit, since you are intriguing. This is done by hooking their interest with negging (playful teasing) or an intriguing conversation sparked by the opener.

A2. Female to Male Interest

You must get the girl interested, attracted, and/or intrigued in you first. This is done by DHV (Demonstrate High Value). This is the primary reason women are attracted to men: when men have a high perceived value. There are many pickup artist techniques to demonstrating high value and they include: story telling, gimmicks, magic demonstrations, psychic readings, negging (veiled teasing), leading the conversation, etc...

A3. Male to Female Interest.

In this phase, The HB (Hot Babe) must be baited into demonstrating her own value. By doing this, you're only attracted to her by her personality or charm, other than her looks. You have to have her earn your interest and be attracted in something besides her looks. Since you have already demonstrated your high value from A2, you are in a slight position of power and in a position to evaluate if she is cool enough to hang with you.

C1. Building Rapport.

In this phase, just the two of you ought to be relaxing and chatting. This is to develop a sense of comfort with each another. This is the time to loosen up and just chitchat with each other, discover any commonalities, and start to relate to each other.

C2. Building emotional and physical connections

Emotional connection is just conversation taken to the next level. Here you want to throw in some stories that make you look vulnerable and sensitive such as childhood memories and insights into your thoughts. After emotional connection has been established, you immediately want to escalate the physical connection through kino (touching). Kinoing is the best way to evolve out of the nasty "friend zone" into the sexual zone.

C3. Intimacy.

The C3 takes place at a possible sex location. The talking/cuddling/kissing gets heavy making-out and now it's time to seal the deal.

S1. Arousal.

When you get to this stage, it is beyond the scope of pickup tactics, but another topic all together: your sexual game. The important thing is to escalate from C3 to S1 smoothly, naturally, and with correct timing. If you escalate prematurely or unnaturally, the woman will get buyer's regret and you could blow everything!

S2. LMR (Last Minute Resistance)

Mystery: "Last Minute Resistance. This is the point of no return before sex occurs. It's often a freak-out moment for the woman." "This is too fast..." "I barely know you." "No sex... okay?" or just push you away from certain areas (like her underwear). Most girls don't want to feel like a slut so they will give some form of LMR. The key here is to not be needy and desperate but rather reinforce the idea that she wants this and you are providing a service.

S3. Sex.

Have fun and call/email/text her. Don't be a jerk and ruin it for the rest of us. Real artists don't abandon their art after its finished.

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