The Highlights About Feast Of Trumpets

By Shirley Mitchell

This is a kind of celebrations that most Israelites observe. They call it Rosh Hashanah meaning the first of the year. The Israelites are expected to commemorate the day on the first day of the seventh month in each and every calendar year. The celebrations highlight the past events of the life of Christians and what is to come in the future. The following are what you need to know about the Feast Of Trumpets as a Christian:

The memorial of this feast is interconnected with the day that all the Israelites were called to assemble around Mount Sinai. They were to gather around the place once they heard the loud sound of trumpet. On that day the Israelites trembled as there was earthquake, thunder, lightning and smoke around the mountain as illustrated in Exodus 19: 16-19. It signifies that the Israelites accepted to enter into a covenant with the God and had chosen to hold the responsibilities given to them.

The commemoration of the day by Christians is an order from the God himself. In Leviticus 23: 1-25 the Israelites are commanded to leave everything and hold a celebration in memorial of remembering the day of blowing of the trumpets. There were some practices that were not allowed during the period and it was purposely to act as a reminder of the covenant.

Jesus came down to establish the covenant and renew another one. The death and resurrection of Jesus Christ was to remind the Christians that the covenant has been renewed as indicated in Luke 22:20. The life that Jesus went through is a constant reminder that Jesus renewed the covenant. The act is also remembered through constant Holy Communion but the major celebration is during this feast. It reminds the Christians to maintain the life of Christ.

The feast reminds Christians of the second coming of Jesus Christ. The bible describes the events that will take place when Jesus will descend on the earth. The blowing of the trumpets from all the four corners of the world will signify the end times and the trumpets will be blown seven times. It shows that all the dead will be resurrected and the Kingdom of earth will be ruled by Jesus forever as shown in Matthew 24:31 and 1 Corinthians 15:52.

Historically these kinds of celebrations were observed by the Israelites in the wilderness. They would later gather in Jerusalem temples. But these celebrations can take place anywhere. It can be arranged in local church and develop a trumpet like music to remind the church of this important day.

This is a day that the God ordered all Christian to stop the normal activities and concentrate on him. It is an important feast for Christian to meditate on the greater things that are to come. The sounds of the trumpets show that God had a purpose for the day to be celebrated as it reveals on the second coming of Jesus Christ, the resurrection and the establishment of the kingdom of God.

The feasts of trumpets are a special way of commemorating the important events that took place. The events range from the first covenant between God and Man through Moses, Renewal of the covenant through Jesus Christ and the importance of the second coming of Jesus Christ. The feast should be observed by every Christian that professes that Jesus is Lord.

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