Overcoming Your Past With Spirit Guide Help

By Alice Palmer

Spirit guides are loving, kind and there for us. We need to acknowledge them because their beings always seem to give us light. The energy that they give to us is full of love, happiness and a sense of cheer. I always love to see spiritual guides coming to us for several different reasons. For starters, spiritual guides give us the necessary tools for happiness. They tend to make us feel safe. When we read about them, we begin to learn who and what they can do for us. They are indeed a part of the human experience.

When we come to know our spiritual guide, we begin to make friends with them. The easiest way for anyone to learn about their spirit guide is through reading books. Books give us an inside look of their nature and why they are here for us. We get the sensation that these beings want to be around us when we invite them to spend time with us. A spirit guide is often comfortable when we light a candle for them. The candle lets off a welcoming energy that makes a person say, "Wow, I am being helped by someone that cares about me." It is a unique pattern that makes sense to people that have been down this path before. If you recognize a spiritual being, you will come to know them as your special friend.

Telling your spirit guide how you feel is important. It gives you knowledge, wisdom and understanding into what matters the most in life. It is important to tell a guide how you feel. Just say to them out loud what you feel. They can hear you. Light a candle for them and let them know that you acknowledge their presence. It is important to tell them that you are welcoming them because they won't just force themselves on you. Even though they are there watching over you, they want to feel welcomed.

Think of them as a guest that is coming over for dinner. You want to make them feel wanted by you and adored as well. It is always a blessing to see things happening in a good way. Spiritual energy is growing in each of us. We all get to see new foundations in what we feel to be true. Once the energy around us becomes more powerful, we begin to look at life a little bit differently.

The energy around this is that a guide uses excellent forms of love and expression. If you keep a journal, it is easier to see how a spirit guide speaks to you. Everyone that has spiritual guides say that they do help us in unique ways. They help us to see unique patters of love and behavior. They are indeed a loving impact on our lives and they give us the necessary tools for getting ahead. They tend to make us feel like we are worth something. In the end, everything begins to take full balance for us.

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