The Reasons To Join The Military Have Increased

By Linda Maynard

When people are wondering what it is they will do with their lives or a teenager is wondering what they will do after high school there are sometimes more options than they might think available to them. For one, there are many reasons to join the military and for people who do not know what to do it might just be their best bet.

There is always an influx of recruits in peace time. Although we are not really in a time of true peace at the moment we will be soon enough. We are in the process of a slow troop withdrawal from the Middle East. When that is complete we will only have troops in places where we have a base or another type of station.

Today however it is not that easy to join. The Armed Forces will not take just anyone these days like they would back then. Today you almost need to have a clean record, or at least no felonies on your record. There are cases of the service giving waivers for certain situations but those are not common at all.

Even so, there are still people who will join no matter what is happening in the world. The opportunity to get all of that great schooling and get p[aid while you are doing it is too good for many people to pass up. Especially when the economy back at home is supposedly so poor and jobs are so hard to come by. This offers people a chance at a normal future.

Before you go to basic training you are required to take a test called the ASVAB test. This is a general skills test that will basically test your ability and knowledge of everything and anything that you could have learned throughout your life and in school. Your score on this test will determine the jobs that you are qualified for.

No matter what your situation the service has a place for you. They offer hundreds of jobs and each one of them today transfers nicely into a civilian occupation. The training that you get and the person that you become is something that employers are looking for too. They know that anybody they hire from the military will be a leader.

There are more great benefits with service. The housing perks that you get as a member of the military cannot be beat. You will get special rates when looking for a home loan and if you are looking to buy a car there are programs available for that too. There are a lot of people who have started programs that take care of our nation's heroes.

There are many reasons to join the military today. When people are considering the various options that they have available to them they often do not consider the military but they should. The recruiters have all the information that one could ever need about any job available in the service and everything that they can provide you.

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