Lessons To Earn From Strong Women In Christ

By Donald Cooper

God created women at the end of his other creations to help man and to be a companion to him. The first woman was Eve but after that, there have been many others who have been strong on the word of God. Some examples of strong women in Christ which are made known to us in the Bible are Virgin Mary, Mary Magdalene, Ruth, the prophetess Deborah and many others. These ones have some admirable qualities which young ladies of today would love to have.

One of them is that they dressed decently. Every woman who claims to be in Christ must dress in nice apparel. They must not dress to expose parts of their body for the fear of luring men and leading them to fornicate in their heart. Christ said that even in the heart, adultery can be done (Matthew 5:28).

The way she behaves is praiseworthy too. Thus, her dressing is not the only mark of her devotion to God as is the case with other women today. She cannot give attention to any other man apart from her husband. She tries to avoid anything at all that will make her feel far away from the Holy Spirit.

No matter what the consequences may be, a strong woman in the Lord will say the truth. She is not interested in the financial gains that lying may bring. Give her a top position in the company and she will reject it if what is required of her is to prepare false reports. She is liked by only a few who are as godly as she is and those who want to be like her.

Moreover, she is gentle and quiet. A strong woman that is in Christ has a humble spirit. She does not want to show that she is capable of doing certain things until she sees that there is a big need for them. She is not in a hurry to handle the microphone to speak in the church but she delivers so well when given the task. She advises both young ladies and men to be like Christ.

She is not just known outside but also in her home. Her responsibilities in the church and elsewhere do not make her forget her duties to her husband and children. She is like the virtuous woman that was described in the book of Proverbs chapter 31 from verse 10 to 31. She is glad to help her husband to attain his financial goals.

A strong woman in the Lord is always looking out for the needy to help them. She prepares meals for her servants and asks of the whereabouts of her friends just so that she can come in to help them where she can. She joins the church for hospital and prison ministration.

A strong woman in Christ remains strong by worshipping the Lord daily. She always gets up to pray and to study the scriptures even before the rest of her family is set to do that. She is a Christian, not just in word, but in practice. She is like a lamp on the hill that cannot be hidden.

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