Seeking The Help Of A Mental Health Counselor Omaha NE Offers To Deal With Chronic Pain

By Jessica Williams

Chronic pain, according to doctors, is pain that lingers for more than 3 long months. Cancer, multiple sclerosis, arthritis and various physical injuries are some of its most common causes. In some cases, the cause of long term pain is psychological in nature. For someone who is experiencing such as a result of stress, generalized anxiety disorder or clinical depression, meeting with a mental health counselor Omaha NE is providing may be done for relief attainment.

There are all sorts of reasons why stress, depression and anxiety can leave you experiencing long term pain. Health professionals confirm that one of the most common of the bunch is muscle tension. Just like what the name suggests, it is characterized by having muscles that stay partially tensed or contracted for a while.

It's not unlikely for the affected muscles of yours to end up inflamed and painful after some time. When this happens, there's a possibility for the neighboring structures to be affected as well, and some of those are your nerves. Pressure on the nerves may cause tingling or numbness. In some cases, you may encounter heaviness or weakness, which is quite common among diabetics due to nerve damage, a very common complication of diabetes.

It's true that there are many OTC and prescription drugs that may be taken by a person who is experiencing chronic pain. In some cases, however, to make the problem go away high doses of painkillers may have to be prescribed by a doctor. The problem with these drugs is they tend to come with unfavorable side effects. Their administration is also associated with certain risks, many of which are terrifyingly serious.

The intake of painkilling medications, prescription or OTC, works by hiding your pain. As soon as their active ingredients are out of your system, it's for certain that pain will bug you all over again. Needless to say, what has to be done is to deal with the root cause and not simply mask the symptoms that it brings.

Unrelenting pain that is due to having high levels of stress can be managed by leading a less stressful life. Meeting with a certified counselor enables the person to learn the steps he or she has to take to keep everyday stress to a minimum. The mental health expert can also suggest a wide variety of stress busting activities that are scientifically proven to lower one's stress levels effectively.

In some cases, pain that refuses to go away can be blamed on psychological problems. Some of the most common culprits are generalized anxiety disorder and clinical depression. There are cases in which the intake of medications is the only solution available. Mild to moderate generalized anxiety disorder or clinical depression, however, can be managed by means of therapy.

Pay a physician a visit to have the cause of your long term pain identified. There are various exams or test that can help in recognizing the culprit. If the problem is not due to something physical, your doctor may refer you to a therapist.

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