Distinguishing The Good And Bad Side Of Energy Cord

By Laura Morgan

Look around you and see those different human beings passing by. Perhaps whenever you look at their faces, some are familiar to you. And when they spotted you, you exchanged smiles with them. It also happens in your neighbourhood once you see your neighbours you either greet them or just smile. With that certain action, bonds and connection have already been built between you and those individuals. Just some interactions, you get to have a friend of your own or more than just that. But sometimes, getting the vibes of others may affect you. And here, you will learn what energy cording is doing to you.

Pause for a moment and try to ponder those significant persons in your life. Now, do you remember how you met them? For sure, some took you a while to get close with. And others happened just naturally because of your same interests, making both of you hit off easily. You somewhat wonder how it happens. Well apparently, what you did is exactly how energetic cording functions.

Those strings are not literally strings you could see but in a rhetorical manner. You will surely not notice that whenever you interact with some stranger at the beginning for casual purpose until it becomes a deeper one later on. Even just smiling at your neighbours whenever you pass by have created some strings as well.

There are ways to get the energy and form a cord. For those in romantic relationship, cords will surely be strengthened with having a sexual union. But that is not only the way. Think about how you got your friends and loved one first. Of course you did not do it by doing sex. You interact. You empathize. You use your heart.

With this cording, you would be able to form some attachments with others. And attachment is important in relationships. That could be an inclination that a person is fine in spending time with you instead of giving you indifference affection.

However, it also has some negative sides. Because you keep on encountering different individuals anywhere, sometimes you absorbed some unwanted energies. And those unwanted energies are not yours and it will also affect you in such a way you become mentally drained.

So go back with attachments. What if that loved one or friend is somehow needy, neurotic and pessimistic. Of course, you would receive some blows of negative energies while dealing with those individuals. Some people try to hold on for the sake of bond but if you follow that, will you risk yourself in living in a toxicity?

Anyhow, you could still cut down those strings or cords you built. Sometimes you will select that option for your own goodness. And that method might be complicated. Nevertheless, you should not be discouraged with that. The most important thing you really must do is to think and be willing to cut that cord. Without that conviction, it will be futile.

Afterwards, you must find some place where you could meditate. Meditation is good way for you to eradicate those negative energy. Make this as a practice to keep yourself mentally and spiritually healthy.

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