The Youth Of Islam And Halal Dating Rules

By Rebecca Ross

When one hears the term dating the first thing that gets into their mind is intimate relationships and nothing more. This is because the activity is one that does not limit one into one particular category but one that sees no colour, nationality or social class classification. Halal Dating is an activity that is slowly growing and becoming popular in Islam especially amongst the younger generation.

Muslims live just fine and engage in arranged marriages organized by the parents but in the recent past this is slowly changing, and courting is becoming more common. However, it is accompanied by a set of rules to be followed while engaging in the activity. These rules are not set to keep one from fully living but to keep their religious beliefs and their datings lives in harmony.

The rule number one ought to be followed while seeing is to master the art of self-control and not partly but fully. This will help in controlling your own feelings that can get in the way of your relationship with God. When one is not able to control their feelings especially around a person they dont intend to marry, then they sin against both God and themselves.

It is now the time to execute the second rule and do the right Taaruf as by the understanding of Allahs teachings. The rule simply needs you to consider a variety of things such as are you financially stable enough for both yours and yours partners happiness and comfort, have you acquired the knowledge required to be able to keep your marriage and have you found someone to marry.

The next rule is one that is for those who have not yet landed that special someone or have already met them but have not yet declared their true feelings to them. So if you have found that one person follows your feelings and declare your love for them and your intentions to want to marry them and if not yet, it is wise to seek help from those you trust to help in finding your partner.

Remember that when declaring your feelings to your partner it is mandatory for a mahroum to be present and even close relatives can be present. Understand the type of courting to go by with as from that moment henceforth as per by the Taaruf. This stage provides the perfect opportunity to get to know your partner and you also have the chance to dissolve the relationship if it displeases you.

The advantages that come with halal seeing are quite numerous and at often times will help in ending a relationship in better terms in comparison to regular seeing. One is able to maintain a friendship of greater lengths with their partner when the eventually get married.

Some will conflict the activity and dispute with its beliefs but it is still a practice that deserves a lot of respect regardless. For those not ready for marriage, halal courting helps them to get closer to God and establishes a much better relationship.

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