The Secret To Enhancing Your Progress After Emotional Intelligence Certification

By Jerry Myers

The world is moving at a breathtaking pace. You are forced to make very delicate decisions in the shortest time possible. Emotional intelligence certification or EQ enables you to master your emotions and in the process make the best decisions. This also helps you to manage the emotions and reactions of other people around you.

The phrase emotional intelligence has been used extensively to the point of exhaustion. Studies reveal that the most successful persons are also highly intelligent emotionally. The rating of industry captains has also been confirmed to be high EI. Most people can survive without certification. However, through awareness, your sensitivity will be awakened. Here are helpful tips.

Talk to people you are in constant contact in order to rate your capability in dealing with emotional situations. While self-awareness is considered an asset, there are biases that stop you from performing at the best level. Research reveals that your perception is not always similar to what other persons think of you. When you talk to people, you get another side of you that was hidden to you.

Use I Feel statement more often when engaged in arguments and disagreements. It is normal to be in conflict with co-workers over issues in the office and other areas of association. Other than use confrontational words like That Idea Will Never Work, express your feelings. State that I Feel that it is better to approach it this way. Add your suggestion at the end. It takes confrontation away from the person onto the idea.

Consider the other people. In fact, you should put yourself in the shoes of other people. This gives you a chance to feel the emotions of other people. The change in view point enables you to appreciate the approach taken by your opponent. You do not have to agree with your opponent but you will have a more productive engagement.

Learn to take a break. Ideas lead to very heated debates. When an argument is allowed to extend, the participants become blind to facts and are led by emotions. By taking a break, you have time and an opportunity to reflect on the best approach to a situation. The pause calms you down to afford you a fresh perspective on the issue you are dealing with. The ensuing decision will be reasoned and balanced.

Practice in patience. Do not shy away from major decisions. It is by practicing that you become a master. The highest training will be useless if you do not implement what you have learnt. Mastering emotional intelligence takes time. You need to be patient with the learning process until you achieve the peak of your performance.

Successful and lasting careers as well as decisions require constant building of emotional intelligence. As you encounter different situations, your capacity is enhanced. You also prepare for tougher and more delicate decisions in future. Review decisions made to identify a good or bad pattern and take necessary measures. Learn from other captains in your industry in order to master your skills.

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