How To Write Your Urban Education Issues Paper

By Linda Lewis

There is a very good chance that you are reading this article right now because you are ready to write your next essay assignment. Whether or not it is for school is beside the point, but there is a probability that you have chosen the subject of urban education issues as something to write about. And if this is the case, it is recommended that you finish this article for some tips that you can probably use.

Do prepare a simple checklist first to put all your ideas into place. This checklist will also assist you in organization your concepts and thoughts and keep everything in context. When working on something important like a concept paper or essay and such, it will help a great deal if you have a checklist for all the ideas you need to present.

A good introduction is of course needed for your essay. A recommended good introduction should include a background on the rationale of the public school system and educational system in general in terms of improving and educating the citizens of the country. Your introduction should present the opposing views as regards you topic, especially when it comes to educational reform.

In addition, do add some information on the specific characteristics of problems of education in the urban setting. If possible try to include data on rates of industrial development and urbanization and discrepancies in rural and urban settings. Try to come up with simple correlations as points of interest along a historical perspective.

After the general background has been given, then you should start off with some basic concerns that underlies the sociological foundations of education. In essence, the sociological approach looks at how schooling in the United States and also whether in the urban or rural arenas, will perpetuate social inequality. Develop this topic from the basic education perspective all the way into the higher education spheres.

Address the problem at hand by illustrating it fully. After doing so, look at or list and discuss some possible interventions that could be done. Some researches do exist on education program interventions to lessen gaps, such as gender segregation and even aptitude segregation classes. Do not limit yourself to just one or two but do further research and discuss as much as possible.

Do not also limit your ideas and approached for intervention and discussion to the local scene alone. Look also at the other countries that may have this sort of problem that you are writing about, particularly in Europe. Europe is a good point of reference as they have the same basic levels of development economically and also high standards of educational practices. Look at how they may have addressed their own concerns and see if these can also be applied in the United States.

In conclusion, this article has shown you some considerations in terms of what to put into your upcoming essay or paper. There are of course a lot of other points of interest and topics you can put within it, but suffice it to say what has been covered in this article is a good starting point to give you some ideas.

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