Shared Beliefs Of A Connection Church Congregation

By Eric Adams

While some individuals are religious, others claim to be more spiritual in nature. While both can accept God as a reality, Christians often attend a house of worship on a regular basis. As there are different beliefs even within the Christian denomination, there are many different churches whether a conservative evangelical connection church or one associated with a more liberal aspect of Christianity.

As with most conservative evangelical Christian based churches, this church is more conservative in nature. With a platform which believes in God, the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and language which refers to each with the male pronoun, it is clear to see that this is a congregation which shares old school values and traditions.

The church believes that the spiritual image of God is reflected in man. As part of this belief, individuals must strive to be more like God in everyday life. While believing that man has the ability to be good, all are effected by sin. At which time, sin separates mankind from God.

The church believes that individuals will either exist separated from God by sin or remain in union and walk alongside God though ongoing forgiveness and salvation. Whereas, those whom are eternally separated from God are living, and will continue to live a life in hell. At the same time, the church believes that heaven and hell are external realms and that each is a place of external existence.

While most churches believe in the Kingdom of God for those whom accept Jesus as Savior and walk a Godly path on earth, not all believe in the same aspects of salvation. For, some Christians believe that Christ died for the sins of the world, and that all are the children of God and thus, have been saved through the spilled blood of Jesus.

Most of those involved in these conservative evangelical congregations believe faith is a gift provided man from God. While this is the case, there is never a time when good works or self-improvement can eliminate sin. For, only God and Jesus have the power to forgive sin. While some believe once saved always saved, there are still times when it is appropriate to ask forgiveness of sins on an ongoing basis.

Once having received Jesus Christ as Savior, the individual has been saved by the grace of God. As such, salvation is an everlasting gift which requires no self-effort on the part of the individual. As a result, the individual is maintained by the power and grace of God through the Bible which while written by the hands of men is the one and only inspired word of God.

Almost all Christian churches believe the Holy Spirit resides within each Christian to provide direction, and answers to questions and prayers. Whereas, it is also believed the Holy Spirit guides individuals to lead others to a life of faith and salvation. Lastly, ongoing prayers, study and worship along with listening to inner-guidance provided by the holy spirit helps all those whom have been saved maintain a closer relationship with living Christ.

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