Find Your Purpose Here On Earth With Guided Christian Meditation

By Douglas Scott

In the world of today, human beings are wandering this earth without having a true meaning of their wanderment. Working men and women work from every sunrise to every sunset doing tasks that they have been doing repetitively on the majority of the lives. The working people think they can find relief and meaning by flipping through channels on their screens. They can distract themselves by spending precious times with their loved ones. However, when these distractions creep in the hearts and the minds of these people they become to question their existence. Finding the true meaning of life can only be through Jesus Christ, and one can have a deeper relationship with Him through Guided Christian Meditation that will surely give someone a different perspective in this world.

Human beings rely mostly on their leaders, careers, businesses, friends, and family in order to ensure survival on this earth. They make time pleasing or enhancing them in order to make themselves happy. There is nothing to deny that these things make people happy. However, these things cannot give joy, and joy is settles not just on the physical, but on the very fiber of the human beings, their spirits.

People misunderstand that the soul and spirit is the same. When they think they are doing something that their souls told them to do, they think they are doing the will of the heavenly Father. However, the soul is the emotions of one, which are temporary, and the spirit is the guidance from Him.

Indeed, it is hard to tell if the guidance is given by the soul or spirit. For, they are both coming from the heart. However, one can know that it is from the spirit by determining if that words you are to say or the actions you are to do are in accordance to the will of God.

Believers still struggle in doing His will. Fortunately, Christ left the Holy Spirit in this world enable to guide us. However, it is inevitable to have the mind distracted from the troubles caused by this world, which can hinder believers in connecting with the Holy Spirit. No worries, though, for ministers and organizations are there to act as guidance to the path to the Spirit.

Being still with God is one should spend most time for. For only through Him, that troubled minds will have peace. There would be no words, just a surrendered soul for the Creator knows what His creation needs.

Believers should also make time for contemplation. There are always things that keep believers from doing the work of the heavenly Father. A believer should examine the every word and the action they have done, in order for them to have a clear conscience before God, and asking Him for forgiveness on the wrongs one has done.

Humans are created according to His goodness and are lovingly made. This means that the problems people face are meant to be experienced. Believers are serving an all knowing God, therefore, He already knows that people are about to fail and yet He unconditionally loves them. With this truth, individuals can expect that He is welcoming sinners with open arms.

Sometimes life does not make sense. However, it can make sense by knowing Christ. Every decision people make are for the glory of His name. Do not just obey Him just to become religious, obey him by living the true purpose of life by being faithful to him.

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