Some Ways Of Understanding The Meaning Of Salvation

By Michelle Sanders

You may be questioning your understanding of being saved. What exactly is the true meaning of salvation, you may wonder. There are different views, though all share some characteristics. Forgiveness of sins is the underlying meaning. But, some believe differently about what happens and how it happens. Many believe it does not just stop at the forgiveness of sins.

All believe that being saved involves the forgiveness of any sins we have committed. However, there is more to it than that, some believe. We are delivered from evil as well, both temporal and eternal. We are also allowed to live a life of freedom. In addition, the saved person, it is believed, has protection by God from the dangers of this earth. To those who believe this, there is even greater comfort in being saved. However, not all hold to these beliefs.

Deliverance from evil can involve two realms, the temporal and the eternal. The temporal refers to a limited amount of time, as opposed to the eternal, which has no beginning or end. Accepting God relieves us of the results of this evil. This includes the agony of knowing you are participating in evil things, as well as the results of leading an evil life as well as the results of evil around us in the world.

There is another aspect to being saved from evil. This is the freedom to live a life that is not controlled by sin and its domination over man. Satan makes a sinful life look appealing to man, whose sinful nature makes it easy to be led the wrong way. When one accepts God he has the power to overcome that pull of Satan.

Another protection that the saved person enjoys, some believe, is the safety from earthly dangers. Accepting God law brings this protection. In the Old Testament, in Psalms, God gave the Israelite nation a promise to protect them from sickness and other pestilences of that day if they only accepted His law and followed Him. Many people transfer this promise to us today, believing we enjoy such protection as a Christian country.

A person may wonder how one becomes saved. There are definite instructions in the Bible about how this happens. It involves belief and faith in Jesus Christ. After that must come an obedience to Him to show that belief and faith. This does not mean you can earn being saved. This obedience just proves your belief and faith. The Bible also says one must confess their faith in Jesus and put Him on in baptism. Omitting any one step is not following His will, as He requires all of it.

There are those that believe that once you are saved from your sins, you will never go back to a lost state. Others believe that is not so. In the example of a drowning man, once saved, can again jump into the water, illustrates the sinful man that is saved from his sins, then goes back into them. The Bible says continually work out your own salvation, which means remaining faithful. The Bible also says if we remain faithful until death we will receive a crown of life.

The idea of salvation can be complicated. It depends on a person's interpretation and how they believe about it. However, it would be a hardened person for sure who decided they were not interested in having that wonderful state of relationship with God.

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