Useful Facts About Christian Church Wichita KS

By Ann Morris

Man is by nature religious. Actually, religion is in the DNA of the typical human being. It is only that some people usually suppress their sense of belief. Since the beginning of time, humans have always believed in the existence of a Higher Being. Religions have come and gone but the message of Christianity has remained firm. Prophesies of Christianity are always fulfilled. That is the reason why a Bible believing Christian church Wichita KS has many followers. In the United States of America, no one is forced to believe in a particular way. That is because there is freedom of religion.

It is easy to know a true believer. One does not have to investigate hard so that to know whether one is a believer. The real Christians are known by their behaviors. First and foremost, they never skip service unless they are very sick. A serious believer will always honor the Sabbath day whether it is Saturday or Sunday.

The service will begin with a word of prayer. After that there will be singing of hymns. Praise and worship is an important part of a service. The message of the day will be delivered by the pastor. It will be taken straight from the Bible. One should carefully listen to the message. Prayers will end the service.

Each religion has a Holy Book. For the case of Judaism, it is the Torah. The Holy Book of Muslims is Koran while that of Christians is the Holy Bible. According to a number of top scholars of Ivy League institutions, the Bible is the most translated book in the world. Apparently, many people believe in the messages of the Bible.

The journey is not always easy. However, one should pray so that not to fall into temptation. Above all, there is the need to be baptized with water. This will involve total immersion into water. Baptism can happen in a river. Alternatively, it can take place in a swimming pool that has been blessed. After baptism, one should strive for righteousness.

There are two major denominations in Christianity. The biggest one is Catholicism. There are billions of Catholic believers. The biggest Catholic nations of the world are Philippines, Italy, the United States, and Brazil. The Catholic denomination is headed by the pope who is based in Vatican City, Rome, Italy. Vatican is an independent self governing jurisdiction in Rome.

Disagreements in the earlier centuries lead to the Great Reformation. This was led by very prominent figures in Europe one of whom was Martin Luther. After the Reformation, there was the formation of Protestantism. This ideology was latter spread to the US, where there was the formation of the Baptist faith. Baptist missionaries have converted many people to Christianity.

A believer should carry his cross on a daily. He should be a moral example for others to follow. Unbelievers will be convinced to turn from their ways and get baptized if the believers usually behave in a moral way on a daily basis. Those who endure to the end will get a great prize at the end of the road. Heaven is a beautiful place.

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