Understanding Spiritual Principles Teachers Teach

By Paul Wood

When it comes to spirituality and religion, the two often go hand in hand. There are others who believe spirituality is not religion nor religion spirituality. Keeping that in mind, it is important to understand what Spiritual Principles Teachers teach.

The seven key principles that most find quite useful are gratitude, humility, optimism, generosity, forgiveness, intention and expectation. In most cases, individuals have found that in living by these principles, success is more likely in all areas of life than otherwise. As a result, many individuals now use these principles as daily mantras and affirmations.

While a guide or mentor may teach one to understand various religious and spiritual concepts, it is not that understanding which is the goal. For, it is a personal experience which an individual undergoes during the process that is the most important aspect and outcome of such teachings. As such, a teacher may or may not be able to help one understand the principles and practices of any said religion or spiritual path, rather might lead the individual to discover what one believes is true according to the individual's true nature.

While school teachers often teach a particular subject, spiritual guides and mentors can often lead individuals on a journey for truth. In some cases, this can involve an actual journey whereas in others it is a journey of the mind. In all cases, the process is intended to lead the individual to knowledge which already exist within the soul of the person.

When it comes to an Advaita or Non-dual Teacher, the individual is often pointing the individual to the essential qualities found in the student's own true nature. In most cases, these qualities include emptiness, oneness and awareness. In addition, the mentor also teaches that everyone and everything is of One existence.

While most refer to generosity in the sense of monetary terms, this is not always the case. For, being generous has a number of definitions. In some cases, this could relate to time, in others sharing food or materials with others. Whatever the case, the importance of being generous is to share with others in need when and where possible.

As such, a mentor operates on a level that is relative in the moment. For, once the student has become aware of the true nature of oneself, then the teacher has become a part of the student, thus the two have become one. Whether a quirk, or way of speaking, all in all in the end all are one and one are all according to most spiritual mentors and guides.

The last two principles go hand in hand. For, without intention one can not have expectation. For some, having expectations can be a drawback as doing so can lead to disappointment. Still, by merging intention with expectation, individuals can often draw the energies one desires into life.

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