Why Asian Guys Need To Look Sharp To Get Women In Japan

By Kaku Nanashi

Due to a lack of energy from the brutal Winter months, for the initial couple of weeks of Spring, I was uncharacteristically slacking on the upkeep of my looks. I figured that I looked good enough to suffice for my romantic goals. I was acquiring tail and I still looked much better compared to most of my competitors. What could go wrong?

From a quantity standpoint, my performance was typical. But from a quality standpoint, I was pulling a below what i was accustomed to. The quantity of effort I needed to place in was also more than average. Not extremely, mind you, but yet noticeably so. Recently, I renewed my efforts to look fresh each time I hit the streets and the improvement in my game has been equally recognizable. I've been getting even more eye contact from hotter chicks and they were more responsive when I approached.

To reiterate, the improvements in my game were not huge, but they were prominent. I assumed it was just one more application of the "be attractive; don't be unattractive" proverb. However, a peculiar concept struck me one day as I was doing some bird watching with a couple of friends.

We were talking about the best ways to distinguish the freaks from the prudes based upon look. Large bracelets and earrings means she's frisky. A t-shirt underneath a camisole means never mind. A deep tan means a easy 'tang. Floppy hat and long sleeves equals pass. Weird fashion plus no make-up indicates Chinese, which equates to garlic breath and a firm no thank you.

A United States Navy officer was there with us that day. He had only been in Japan for a few months and his only input into the conversation was, "I'm just going to assume they're all sluts."

The military man's lack of nuance made me realize something: Japanese girls have a similarly nuanced sorting system for high/low value Japanese guys, and a similarly unrefined one for foreigners. It is a natural result of a whole life spent observing and interacting with Japanese guys. By the time they leave college, their J-dude sorting ability has become some well practiced that it's largely subconscious.

It bears repeating that the ability to sort Japanese men according to their desirability is not an active process. It occurs on the subconscious level, much like a flinch. Soccer players, after practicing for years on end, no longer have to actively think about the process of dribbling; it just happens as they move.

So, many social Japanese females are specialists at sorting Japanese men. This implies that if you appear to be East Asian, you need to be on point or risk of running head first into non-negotiable rejection. Other foreigners with more exotic looks will have more wiggle room to work their magic because an unfamiliar face will briefly delay Japanese girls' automated filters. But, speaking from my own personal experience, this effect is not enough to overcome any glaring deficiencies. Expats need to look presentable to get Japanese girls, period. Noticeable schlubs will be turned down outright despite their skin tone.

Remember, this subconscious sorting works both ways. If he landed on the sexy side of it, an asian man could have a whole lot of success a lot easier and with more girls compared to his more exotic equal. If he does not, he will have to deal with a lot more obstacles on his journey to the promise land.

The bottom line: If you're an Asian guy looking for love in Japan, make sure your look is fresh and your fitness is top notch.

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