A New Concept In Mourning: Memory Bear

By Serena Price

Mourning is a very personal experience and everyone does it in their own way. One thing that many people are finding that they have in common is the use of a memory bear. It allows the individual to invest all their memories and emotion into that one bear and somehow makes the whole experience a little better. There are few things that can offer that nowadays.

When someone passes they often leave a lot of items of clothing for family and friends to deal with. There is often a specific item that holds a lot of memories and meaning for those close to the person who has passed away. By using this item and making it into a bear these memories are preserved in a way that is difficult to recreate.

This is something that a lot of people can appreciate as a teddy is not only lovely to look at, but it is also loved by children and adults alike. Both men and womenlove these items because they can be hugged, kissed or displayed as a nice reminder of the person they represent. They become filled with all the memories of the individual.

Memories can often be associated with physical objects and this is how the concept of the memory bear came about. If someone has a favorite suit or coat that they wear regularly we naturally come to associate that outfit with them. Just as when something bad happens we can often remember what we were wearing and assume that it is unlucky.

Turning an item of clothing into a teddy is no easy task and only people with experience should attempt this. It will take a lot of practice to ensure that it is finished to the standard expected, so anyone who wants to try this for a loved one should practice on an item of clothing that does not have so much meaning attached to it.Practice makes perfect.

As a gift these items are perfect. They make a rare surprise that your recipient will truly be grateful for. Try to find the correct style and coloring for the bear that your friend will really love. Think of both the person who has passed away and the person the teddy is intended for and take your time when talking about the design with the creator.

Of all the gifts you can give someone special to you, this is one that should really be made to last. If you are making it yourself then consider this and if you are getting someone else to make it for you then ensure that you read the reviews and find someone who takes quality very seriously. It is also very important to take great care of the teddy.

A memory bear is a wonderful way to mourn the death of someone close to you. Hold the teddy close and think of all the times you had together and all the positive moments in that person's life. Keep the bear safe and never forget the intense meaning and emotion behind it.

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