The TBI Treatment Santa Fe Patients Need Should Be Sought Without Delay

By Tiffany Gill

Traumatic brain injury can be caused in a variety of ways. However, the phrase itself typically refers to an external mechanical force causing the dysfunction of one's brain. Anyone who has experienced such an injury should seek the best TBI treatment Santa Fe has to offer.

Traumatic brain injury is typically the result of a violent jolt or blow to the body or head. It can also be caused by an object penetrating the skull, such as a bullet or blunt object. There are many levels of injury that can occur, from mild to severe. In some cases, torn tissue and bruising cause complications that are long-term in nature. Certain injuries can even lead to death. In other cases, a person recovers fully from the injury.

Mild brain injuries may only cause temporary brain cell dysfunction, and the patient experiences a complete recovery. Permanent disabilities, however, may occur in cases of severe injuries. These include decreased cerebral function, paralysis, speech impediments, or as previously mentioned, death.

Symptoms of TBI may be evident immediately after the traumatic incident, while others may take days or even weeks to appear. Symptoms may be physical or psychological, and may be constant or come and go. The frequency and severity of symptoms depends on the exact type of injury that occurred.

Symptoms and signs of mild traumatic brain injury often include brief loss of consciousness, confusion, disorientation, concentration problems, dizziness, headache, sensory problems, a strange taste in the mouth, light sensitivity, mood disturbances, blurred vision, and ringing in the ears. Most symptoms involving a mild accident or injury will clear up on their own within a few days, but professional advice should still be sought.

Moderate to severe TBI symptoms may include any of those outlined above, but the symptoms will typically not clear up without medical intervention. They may also include combativeness, aggressive behavior, slurred speech, loss of coordination, convulsions, the dilation of one pupil while the other remains normal, inability to wake up, numbness or tingling in the limbs, and fluid draining from the ears or nose.

Moderate to severe traumatic brain injuries may be caused by falls, car accidents, gunshot wounds, violent acts, and accidents that occur while a person is engaged in a sporting activity. They may also because by explosive blasts or similar incidents.

Treatment for such injuries will depend on the severity of one's symptoms and whether or not major brain damage has occurred. A medical professional must evaluate the patient to determine the best plan of care. In some cases, only moderate measures are needed, while other individuals must be transferred to long-term rehabilitation in order to recover.

As mentioned above, it may take several days or weeks for symptoms to manifest, or they may appear immediately. Whether or not overt or serious symptoms are manifesting, those who have experienced traumatic injuries of this kind are wise to seek medical evaluation a soon as possible. The TBI treatment Santa Fe practitioners offer should be pursued by anyone who has experienced such an injury.

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