Conservative Vs Liberal Is A Good Topic

By Cornelia White

Anyone around realizes that conservative vs liberal is an excellent topic to discuss in America. These two groups have been going at it for decades and they will never stop fighting. Each side believes that they are in the right and nothing will ever change their mind. Gay marriage, abortion, gun control and mixed marriages will always ignite a debate between these two groups.

It is no secret that republicans are totally against abortion and anyone who will consider this action once they become pregnant. The Bible pushers who belong with this group will make their opinion known by bombing certain abortion clinics and terrorizing any woman who decides to use one of these places. They have held onto to this belief for many years.

On the other hand many citizens who lean towards the left believe that an embryo is not a fully developed human being and they can be aborted. Doctors who work at these clinics will usually operate on a woman who has not reached her second trimester. They feel that her body is still strong enough to handle this particular procedure at this point in time.

Individuals who believe in family values do not want their children to become involved with people from other races. They believe that it is very immoral to have a baby that is of a different color and that God will punish individuals who do this deed. Many times parents who are part of the republican party will do everything in their power to stop their children from associating with other races.

Someone who considers himself to be truly independent and free spirited will overlook a person's skin tone and sometimes this can be a good thing. During the days of integration this same group of individuals would always stand up for people of color and sometimes they would be killed for their actions.

When it comes to gun control people who consider themselves to be more traditionalist will always want to carry a weapon wherever they go. Individuals who believe in God and their country will always stick to this golden rule and they do not care what damage a gun may cause to someone who is innocent. Sometimes these people will also justify the violence that a gun may cause and this is never a great idea.

Democrats everywhere do not want to carry guns since they cause nothing but heartache and misery. During senate meetings these individuals will always vote against NRA laws that really support a gun toter. Left winged people are really against guns since there are so many pointless shootings in America.

Gay people are always interested to know what happens when a conservative vs liberal. This specific group know that the people who are to the right will block any laws that accept same sex marriages. Luckily they will find support with the very open minded democrats who do not care about the sex of two people who are entering this sacred bond. This certain debate will more than likely go on for a very long time since people are very stubborn.

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