The Best Non-Partisan Political Information Is Not Presented By Either Side Of The Argument

By Angela Briggs

In the search for non-partisan political information, a viewer, reader or listener has their work cut out for them. There used to be things called newspapers that would report on both sides of any political issue. They would report facts, which this type of information is composed of. They do not do this, largely, as they have taken sides. What is now reported, even on television, radio and over their outlets on the Internet is what their political party wants them to report.

People wanting this down the middle data are being let down. There are more ways to communicate with people every day, however, it is the source of this data that is the problem. Readers of the dominant media believe they are getting the information they think they need and are, for that reason, not being prepared for what is happening all around them.

One of the things that is so frustrating to everyone interested in receiving good data is the tendency of politicians to engage in bumper sticker politicking. The talking heads and politicians believe they have to weight what they want with what the listeners want. This is rarely the same thing, so a bit of double talk is necessary.

Take the issue of health care, for example. Factual content would simply report the statistics of the number of people who do not have insurance coverage or who have no access to health care. These listeners are told, instead, the emotional recounting of people who have had problems with health care. They fudge the numbers to make it seem as if millions are unable to access health care in an emergency.

Any time the emotional buttons are being pushed, you have partisan rhetoric. There are rarely any facts, which would be the correct data, involved in these types of arguments. The gun control issue is one of these. In an effort to do something because children are being killed in schools, the partisan comments would blame law abiding people who do not participate in this. Mental health issues are not brought up by these politicians because it does not sound dramatic enough.

Going to a debate is somewhere that many people believe they will be able to find this type of factual substance. They would be wrong. The rules usually do not allow for the imparting of anything that might actually give any real information to the attendees. One side does not want messages of this nature to get out and the other side just wants to get along with the first side.

When looking for some of the websites that promise middle of the road coverage over all things political, analyze them carefully. Looking for the emotional content or the outright advertising that is usually present will indicate where they fall on each issue. There are some who are much better than others, but true fact based information is extremely hard to locate.

The need for true non-partisan political information should be apparent to all. Many politicians, newspapers, news shows and websites can not do this because it would work against their premises. The emotional baggage as well as the inability to actually debate the issues is a good indicator you do not have this.

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