Positive Affirmations Demystified

By Darwin van Panhuis

You are currently waking up every morning for that job you dread. Your life is on auto-pilot, going through the motions and living an ordinary, uneventful life.Affirmations can change your entire life in less than 5 minutes a day. Imagine being able to change how you think on a regular basis to be more positive. Well that is how affirmations work, so let's get you started on your own list.How to Create a Positive Affirmation,Positive affirmations are very easy to construct, but it takes a good deal of time to truly identify your wants and desires. An affirmation does little good if you're asking for the wrong thing. Take a few minutes of your day and list everything you want to change about your life. This list could include - your health, job, relationships, or self-esteem.

It is good to know what positive affirmations are, but what can they actually DO for you? When you don't have a positive outlook on life, you are much more likely to dread going to work, to be upset that you don't earn enough money, or even that you don't have the life that you really want. That may sound familiar, as that is the way that most people in the world think today. However, if you could reprogram your mind to view these points in a different light, you would find your situation improving. This is where positive affirmations come into play.

How can you possibly use positive affirmations to gain more money, change your outlook on your job, or change your life? By changing the way you look at things. The job that you have may not be the ideal job that you wanted when you were younger. However, with this job, you ARE in fact earning money, and more importantly gaining experience. You are currently preparing yourself for when you get that better job. That better job is going to lead to more money, which in turn will likely lead to a better overall life for you and your family. But will just thinking you are preparing yourself actually give you that better job? You bet it will!

Increase Your Faith. Of course, the more faith you have in them, the more effective your affirmations will be. The desires and dreams that your mind can conceive bear seeds of possibility, and possibilities ultimately become realities.Say Positive Daily Affirmations With Conviction. Some experts recommend saying positive daily affirmations silently. They say that silent affirmations are more effective than spoken statements, because they entail more intensity of concentration and resonate through your entire body instead of in your surroundings. Others recommend saying them out loud, because you can also use your facial expression or hand gestures for more conviction. For whatever it is, positive daily affirmations made in a half hearted manner are not going to be as effective as the ones that you make with deliberate intention.

You can find lists and lists of affirmations on the Internet and in books, but creating your own positive affirmations that directly relate to your situation will create better results and more motivation. It is important to remember to take your time when constructing your list of affirmations. Think deeply about what it is you want and if you truly want those things. Remember, the process of affirmations (creating, saying daily) are much more important than the outcome.

Positive affirmations can easily change your whole life. You know how they work. You change your outlook on life, and you will bring that positivity to you. That is the basic Law of Attraction. Concentrate your mind on improvements you are going to have in your life, and they will come to you. What most people don't completely grasp is that positive affirmations can help change EVERY aspect of your life, even your physical wellness. In fact, it is potentially easier to understand this fact than any other aspect of the Law of Attraction.

Accepting change has always been a difficult task for most people, since they are reluctant of letting go of the comfort that they are used to. When you choose to affirm yourself positively, you can end up either in avoidance or in reappraisal. If you find yourself resisting change due to negative feelings or fear, it is because your subconscious mind is trying to avoid the challenge of dealing with the change. You can affect the way you perceive things by having positive affirmations that you have to repeat continuously and believe. This will create a conviction for you that will slowly fight off your resistance and finally; you will ease yourself into the change you feared.

Positive affirmations are simply short statements that you make to yourself with the goal of changing the way that you think. The idea is to get rid of negative thoughts and replace them with positive ones. The reason that this is important is that it is our beliefs that largely determine what we can and can't do. If you believe that you can accomplish something there is a pretty good chance that you can, if you believe that you can't the chances that you will are very low.

Whenever you are trying to tell yourself something, either by thought or by saying it out loud, you are affirming yourself of something. We are constantly affirming ourselves to do something, change something or achieve something. All our affirmations are a manifestation of our inner beliefs and truths. Most of the affirmations we have are acquired at a tender age, hence they are deeply rooted in our subconscious mind as we grow. Most of our responses to every situation are an automatic adaptation from the way we were raised. This is because our subconscious mind uses memories, feelings and everything that has been stored over a period of time since we encountered it.

The affirmations we have are a great impact on the way we perceive things and the world in general since they affect the way we react to everyday events. For us to survive, we have to adapt to the environment. Learn to react quickly towards the events that take place around us and be able to examine everything that is around us. Most of the affirmations we can be dated back to the foundation of our lives during our early ages. It could be beliefs that we learned from our parents and the environment from which we first understood the way things work. Therefore, some of us may have negative affirmations acquired from the environment, their parents or their experiences. However, you can acquire positive affirmations through subliminal messages that are manifested in the subconscious mind without the knowledge of the conscious mind.Positive affirmations are used by the conscious mind to change any negative attitude that we might have grown up with in our subconscious mind. They are usually in the form of positive statements that you have to keep repeating and believing so that they can replace the negative attitude that you are trying to get rid of. Positive affirmations have been reported to work very well in helping people to get over their fears, achieve many goals, change one's focus towards a positive future, accept change, and many other positive outcomes.

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