Text The Romance Back Into Your Relationship

By Shannon C. Raskin

Hands up who uses text messages? Most people do these days. Its one of the top ways to communicate in modern times. It's convenient, its fast and can be used for any occasion. So why not use it to enhance your relationship? Send a love message!

A good way to use flirty text messages, is to make your partner look forward to seeing you after a long day at work. When you build the anticipation during the day you will be guaranteed of a romantic reception when they see you! Would you like that bubble bath run for you? How about a nice relaxing foot rub after a hard day? When you feel attractive and wanted by your partner, we then want to do things for our partner

So how about sending some romantic texts? Or sending some downright flirty text messages? Or a love message? I've done this and trust me it worked a treat! Be unpredictable and send a flirty text out of the blue to your loved one. When you get the text messages right, your loved one is guaranteed to respond! I guarantee it! Build the anticipation and hint at whats on your mind. Make them think. Make them wonder. Your loved one will love figuring out what you mean and flirt right back with you. The romance texts will be flying back and forth. A great way to improve communication between you both as well!

Every women craves to have a man who adores her. Right now, I have a man who adores me and it's because I took the time to get inside the mind of men and understand how attraction works for them.It's quite powerful what can happen once you begin to respond to guys in a way that makes them excited to want to get back to you. It's actually a lot of fun reading the responses because guys are so very predictable. They will respond to certain messages and virtually ignore others.

We put a lot of effort into the beginning of a relationship, we try harder, we flirt like crazy and nothing is too much trouble! Even though life has to take priority at times, its important not to forget what works and makes both parties feels special and appreciate each other! Send that love message! Send that flirty text! Text the romance back and turn up your relationship heat.We see all around us married couples that are unhappy in their relationship because of small things that put them in a cold and emotionless place. It is rare that we meet real issues that ask for drastic solutions. Of course these are things nobody should worry about because they come along anyway and have to be resolved by communicating to one another and applying techniques that could easily bring the romance back in marriage or keep it alive.

You might be surprised to find that your romantic messages spur similar messages from your cherished. One of the good aspects of the text message is its ability to be saved. Your partner can check back on your sweet messages in the future to bring a smile to his face

Your spouse is the most important thing. Always think of your husband or wife as being the engine of your relationship that you always have to take care of, cherish and more than a piece of machinery, work to improve the connection between the two of you. Take advantage of this positive approach and enjoy the results.

So I began doing some testing and bam! Started getting results and I started teaching other women how to get the same results. They started to apply the ideas to get the romance back using very specific text messages and it started to make their relationship better.Every women craves to have a man who adores her. Right now, I have a man who adores me and it's because I took the time to get inside the mind of men and understand how attraction works for them.

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