How To Build Up Low Self Esteem

By Donald R. Gale

Low self esteem is often caused by the lack of confidence or value of one's self. You see, loving yourself is the only best way of building self esteem and confidence. You might think that this is a conceited type of love and care. But, actually, it is not. It only suggests that you need to accept everything about yourself, whether it is good or bad. But in so doing, you should never bring yourself down.Positive self-esteem can provide lots of helpful benefits to every aspect of a person's life, particularly on his family, career, relationships, social life, and inner health or morale. There are some people who highly value their career but not their social affairs. And there are people who feel most secure and confident when they are around self-assured people. This is in view of the fact that they are usually obvious and their actions are consistent.

Building self esteem and confidence can be achieved with ease by means of proper goal setting and planning. Self confidence is a type of skill that you can learn and develop. It is therefore important that you have a rock-solid foundation of self esteem in order to get through the everyday challenges of life. This is of the essence especially if previous effort of building self esteem and confidence were unsuccessful. Keep in mind that low self esteem and anxiety is often a result of too much pressure that you or others put on yourself. Building self esteem and confidence is necessary especially when you came to the point wherein you already feel the following:Shy and uneasy,Lack of direction,you fail in everything you do,Inferiority complex,Feeling of hopelessness or unimportance,Resentful about career, social life and relationships

Never think about your problems and brood over your past. Move on and have a positive outlook, so you can change your future.Understand your powers and limitations. It is good to be positive, but you should know where you stand in life. Never be over ambitious or think about things that aren't viable and be depressed over it. Use your powers and win over your limitations.Challenge yourself every now and then. Change is one thing that's constant and when you adapt yourself to different situations, you can become a better person. This way, you can also know your hidden potentials.Don't compare yourself with anyone, who above or below you! You are what you are! There's no photocopy of you. Remember, you are unique and special. By comparing, you can undermine yourself. You might not be the best rapper, but you will probably be good at something else. So don't compare yourself with others.

Stay motivated at all times. Reading inspirational thoughts, affirmations, quotes on self esteem and everything related, can keep you upbeat and motivated.Socialize and never restrict yourself to a cage! You need to mingle with others, get out of your room or home and talk to people you know and know those you don't! Socializing, is one way to improve your self esteem.Set realistic goals and strive to achieve them. By setting goals and working towards achieving them, you improve your self esteem.

Dress better.Boosting your self esteem has to start on the inside, but there's no reason why you can't start to feel good by wearing nice clothes and making yourself look good. Take pride in your appearance and let others see how good you look. You're worth it!Speak your mind.If you have an opinion, voice it. Who cares what other people think? You're quite happy to listen to other people most of time so why not speak up yourself? There is absolutely nothing to stop you from divulging what's on your mind.Build confidence.Practice being assertive. Write down a list of positive affirmations which will increase your confidence. Say them out loud every morning and at night before you sleep. Remove the word can't from your vocabulary. Listen to motivating music and re-programme your mind to accept a higher level of confidence as the new norm.Take action.Build your self esteem by doing as many things as you can. Just go for it. Don't even think about the end result. People with low self esteem usually think long and hard before doing something and usually talk themselves out of it. If you don't try it, you'll never know. The more you do things, the better you will feel.Self esteem is a powerful trait that can make you or break you. It's a trait YOU control. Make a choice. Refuse to accept anything less than greatness for yourself. Become stronger, think of yourself as a proud, affirmative, confident person with unlimited potential to achieve whatever you set your mind to.A lack of self-esteem can damage any relationship. In marriage especially it can cause a lot of problems. A spouse suffering from low self-esteem can contribute to infidelity, child or spousal abuse, divorce or financial trouble. If your spouse has low self-esteem and you don't think it matters, you might find out the hard way that it really does make a lot of difference.

Self esteem is a concern that virtually everybody needs to come to terms with. Some individuals know that they have to deal with self esteem while others handle it without really understanding it. Those who handle self esteem subconsciously have a much harder time because they do not really recognize exactly what it is that requires to be worked on. They are merely responding to issues that they experience on a day to day basis. Nonetheless, if you wish to work on your self esteem in a more constructive way, you must keep the following techniques on the best ways to improve personality in mind.

In order for you to be successful in discovering ways to enhance personality, you should firstly comprehend exactly what precisely it is that you have to tackle. When you have an idea of exactly what you have to change or improve, make certain that you act on it. It is advisable that you improve one thing at a time. The voyage is more crucial than the location. This merely suggests that you should find out to appreciate each and every moment that you are living. Get a kick out of the moment as an alternative of waiting to reach where you prefer before commemorating.

Be appreciative so your partner is aware that you appreciate the things they do. Whether it is cleaning the bathroom or cooking a meal, let them know you appreciate the gesture. Tell them they make a great parent if you have kids. If you are being honest and loving, you will see many things your spouse does which you can praise them for.Make sure to share the credit. If your spouse is suffering from low self-esteem, they might not see how they are contributing to the marriage and family every day. Point out these things to others and to your spouse. Let your spouse know how much you value their abilities and how much it helps.Help your spouse to discover any hidden talents. Ask them about what they can do well or like to do or would even like to learn to do. Encourage them to do more of this or take a class. Perhaps you will both be interested and can learn or practice together.

Sometimes it is nice to do little things "just because", such as giving gifts, leaving notes and doing other special things for your partner. These things can (and should) be done outside special occasions too. Never be deprecating, in private or in public. Don't put your spouse down or make generalized comments like "you never take out the trash" or "you always leave a mess in the kitchen". These comments will make your spouse feel they do everything wrong. And saying bad things about them in public is never acceptable and will just embarrass them and knock them down emotionally.

Understand that you are a very desirable woman no matter what has happened in recent days. Whether you still want your husband or you end up with someone else, one day you will have to restore trust and intimacy with a man again. The affair may make this difficult, but here is the catch 22. In order to feel truly intimate with a man, you must trust him. You can't do this if deep down you have doubts about his true feelings and loyalty. The best way to banish these doubts is to, when you are ready, dive in first with one toe and eventually with your whole open heart.Yes, this will make you feel vulnerable at first, but here's the truth. Your self esteem will be restored when you experience deep and lasting intimacy that can not be faked or manufactured. It helped me to educate myself on intimacy and sexuality. I learned several things that I wasn't doing in my marriage that ignited serious and very genuine sparks and fireworks when I did. I no longer worry that my husband will cheat again. He's very happy at home. It may be a while before you are ready for this, but be patient. You will know it when you feel it and when you do, I doubt very much you'll be thinking about your self esteem at that time.

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