Anxiety Disorder Symptom - A Guide To Understanding Anxiety Disorder And Panic Attacks

By Cerise Demers

There are five main types of anxiety disorders, namely general anxiety disorder (GAD), obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), panic disorder (also known as panic attacks), post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and social anxiety disorder (SAD). As you can see there are many types of anxiety disorder and they can manifest in different ways for different people. The one thing that they have in common however is that each can be described as a persistent or severe fear of a situation that most people would not find threatening.

What are panic attacks? Many people don't even realize when they are having a panic attack because they are so intensely physical. A panic attack is a strong physical and emotional episode in which the sufferer feels a series of symptoms. The most typical physical symptoms are chest pains, racing heart, difficulty breathing, nausea and hot/cold flashes. Often the sufferer will believe they are having a heart attack and rush to the hospital only to find that there is nothing physically wrong with them.

Emotional symptoms are mainly an intense fear that they are about to die and, often, the belief that they are losing their minds.Have you had a life threatening situation in your recent past? Panic attacks are one of the main symptoms of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, PTSD. PTSD is an anxiety disorder caused by the stress of a life threatening situation. War veterans will typically suffer PTSD when they return from combat and try to readjust to civilian life. The death of or separation from a loved one can also cause PTSD.

If you are having panic attacks and have had a traumatic incident in your recent past, PTSD is likely the cause of your episodes.Are you scared of spiders, dogs, the dark or something else?If you freak out at the thought of a specific creepy crawler or hated creature, then the likely cause may be a phobia. Phobias are anxiety disorders that center on the fear of a specific thing, like a bug or snakes. If this is what you have then you have a phobia.

Anxiety Disorder and Panic Attack Treatments.Untreated, panic attack and other anxiety disorder symptom can continue for many years. Effective treatment can only come from accurately identifying the triggers and anxiety disorder symptom being experienced. Lifestyle and behavioral changes, as well as intensive psychotherapy have proved quite effective in curing panic attacks. Medication is also recommended. Having a strong support group and a positive attitude will definitely go a long way in curing anxiety disorders as well.

Do you have difficulty letting a loved one out of your sight? Panic anxiety disorder symptoms can be identified by people who are familiar with this disorder or by those who have an attack. Patients who have an attack can describe as a very intense emotional and physical feeling. Many say it is a scary experience because it can simulate most of the signs and symptoms of having a heart attack. The fear of having a heart attack can also make the experience terrifying. Fortunately, there are techniques available today that can help you get your life back.According to various medical professionals, approximately 40 million people have had this experience at least one time in their lives. Which means, the frequency and severity varies from one individual to another?

Causes of Panic Attacks,Based on information from the Mayo Clinic, this is a disorder that is often misunderstood, since the actual cause can be confusing. This is because people who have these attacks will have a sense of impending danger when there are no signs of danger near them. Some physicians say it is the body's way of protecting them from dangerous situations. However, the reasons for specific attacks have not been identified.Anxiety Disorders Symptoms - The signs and symptoms of the attack are similar in many cases. However, they are not always the exact same. In fact, when someone is watching an individual have an anxiety attack, they may call for emergency assistance because of some of the physical symptoms exhibited.

Physical Concerns.In addition, anxiety can cause other health problems to become worrisome or increase in occurrence. In fact, the health problems may be at the root of their worrisome tendency - it's a vicious cycle that has no end. For example, a person who is anxious about their stomach pains may go on to develop ulcers, which are life threatening. The more they worry about dying from their stomach pain, the worse their physical condition becomes. Or the person may become so depressed from not wanting to leave the house may be so worried that they develop social phobias and then even suicidal tendencies.

Anxiety left untreated over time can cause high blood pressure, which can lead to premature heart failure. Anxiety can cause hormonal imbalances in both men and women, which is detrimental to health and well-being. This hormonal imbalance can contribute to thyroid function issues, diabetes, immune deficiencies, and other illnesses that can cause serious consequences. More often than not, people become anxious due to a seemingly small issue, but because they worry so much and can't control the anxiety, the build-up of endorphins causes their body to work overtime. This causes strain on the body as a whole.

If you are the type of person that requires medication for every symptom you feel, try Vick's. Others find that Valium and the antidepressants work too. However, it will take a month or so before the antidepressants will get rid of your lumpy throat. It takes time to see the results.But if you're not really a fan of these medications and their side-effects, you can try natural ways. There are trusted and effective all-natural treatment available for anxiety disorder symptoms which can work to push anxiety levels down. And more importantly, it works without using drugs.

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