Tools For Long Distance Relationships

By Jack Roberts

After committing to your long distance relationship for a few weeks, you will notice how hard it can be to keep the romance alive. It is vital to keep in close contact with your partner while you are away from them, which can prove to be quite difficult at first, but with these helpful (and free) tools, your relationship will be much easier to maintain.

The Mail Service

That's right, The Mail Service! Emails are speedy and instant messaging is efficient, but do you remember a long time before that when we would mail our letters to each other? Research has found that long distance couples who write love letters to each other have proven to have exceptionally strong relationships.

Trust Building Books

Or any other reading material on distance relationship guidance for that matter. Once you feel yourself getting into a routine and getting tired of the usual call, talk, sleep, work, call, talk etc. seek out some great partnership building questions to talk about. You will learn a ton more about your partner that will strengthen the relationship.


Online streaming services are sadly beginning to outdate BluRay and DVD. But that means you don't have to buy two separate copies of one movie to enjoy watching it together. Simply sign up for an account, press play at the same time while on webcam, and have a nice cosy date night in together.

Internet Phone Service

And what good would a long distance relationship resources checklist be without a good old internet webcam service? This is by far the ideal and most essential tool you can possess for your relationship. It's free, fast, and easy to use. This will enable you to see each other on webcam every second if you want to. But we personally advice against long distance couples spending longer than 5 hours a talking with each other over webcam. While chatting for a long time will initially provide help to manage the distance, it's also healthy to go outside and live separate lives too.


This tool is a fantastic way to share your photographs! Instagram is a photo sharing and social network website. This will let you take pictures of yourself, implement a digital filter to them, and share them on Twitter or Facebook for your partner to check out. You could create an album for every week or even every day that you are apart, and let them know where every photo is from by editing their captions.

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