The Benefits Of Incorporating Video Into Your Leadership Executive Coaching Initiatives

By Joshua Nelson

Few would have predicted how dominant video was going to become in the commercial landscape. This is particularly true when it comes to leadership executive coaching, an area once considered the domain of presentation slides. Granted, the utilization of video in training has partly been driven by the growing population of millennials within the workplace. Even so, there are more significant reasons why you too should consider it:

Can Accommodate Many Styles of Learning: This often proves easier said than done when training involves the use of text-based material. And while video is primarily visual, you can actually blend in multiple methods of content delivery in the same clip. Coupled with the flexibility that allows people to learn at their own pace, this can greatly improve comprehension levels among the audience.

It's Accessible: Coordinating training activities when your workforce is dispersed across diverse geographies can range from being difficult to downright impossible. The latter's particularly true if you also happen to be relying on outside expertise. Video is the only platform that can eliminate both of these headaches without compromising the quality of learning. Simply put, it's the only way to get your whole staff community involved without disrupting standard operations.

Higher Engagement: Ever wondered why most search engines now prioritize video results? It's because the majority of searchers prefer to watch something than to read about it, and your employees are no exception. The medium attaches a human element to the content carried within, something that acts as an incentive for the audience to stay engaged. This in turn translates to a higher level of retention.

Keeps Costs Down: With video, employees can access course content from anywhere at any time. This means that more training sessions can be scheduled without interfering with normal operations. This cost-saving benefit will be further compounded by the eternal nature of visual content. As long as they're still relevant, your videos will come in handy multiple times in future.

Adaptable: Video is practically unlimited in terms of the concepts it can render. It's this high degree of versatility that makes it ideal for use in any training context, from employee onboarding to continuous expertise development. It's also a medium that can be adapted to match the shape of your firm's culture.

Provides More Insights: Video will greatly enhance your ability to study your audience in detail. This is partly thanks to the availability of the relevant tools, but what makes the biggest difference is the measurable nature of the medium. In other words, video can be dissected to yield metrics related to attendance and engagement levels, the same of which can't be said of text.

There is no doubt that video has become a powerful medium for workplace training. Its worth stressing that the utilization of this medium shouldn't be driven merely by the need to complement for whatever you're currently using. Instead, it should be about leveraging the full power of video to enrich the learning experience for everyone.

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